public final void grainfield() {
RPObject rp = new MockRPObject("growing_entity_spawner", null, null);
rp.put("max_ripeness", 1);
rp.put("width", 1);
rp.put("height", 1);
IEntity en = EntityFactory.createEntity(rp);
assertNotNull("entity should be created", en);
assertEquals("we should have created a Grainfield now",
GrainField.class, en.getClass());
rp = new MockRPObject("growing_entity_spawner", null, null);
rp.put("max_ripeness", 1);
rp.put("width", 1);
rp.put("height", 1);
en = EntityFactory.createEntity(rp);
assertNotNull("entity should be created", en);
assertEquals("we should have created a Grainfield now",
GrainField.class, en.getClass());