* Very small initial store size, since the node will preallocate it when starting up for the first time,
* BLOCKING STARTUP, and since everyone goes through the wizard anyway...
nodeConfig.register("storeSize", DEFAULT_STORE_SIZE, sortOrder++, false, true, "Node.storeSize", "Node.storeSizeLong",
new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
return maxTotalDatastoreSize;
public void set(Long storeSize) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if(storeSize < MIN_STORE_SIZE)
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("invalidStoreSize"));
long newMaxStoreKeys = storeSize / sizePerKey;
if(newMaxStoreKeys == maxTotalKeys) return;
// Update each datastore
synchronized(Node.this) {
maxTotalDatastoreSize = storeSize;
maxTotalKeys = newMaxStoreKeys;
maxStoreKeys = maxTotalKeys / 2;
maxCacheKeys = maxTotalKeys - maxStoreKeys;
try {
chkDatastore.setMaxKeys(maxStoreKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
chkDatacache.setMaxKeys(maxCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
pubKeyDatastore.setMaxKeys(maxStoreKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
pubKeyDatacache.setMaxKeys(maxCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
sskDatastore.setMaxKeys(maxStoreKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
sskDatacache.setMaxKeys(maxCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
} catch (IOException e) {
// FIXME we need to be able to tell the user.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e+" resizing the datastore", e);
System.err.println("Caught "+e+" resizing the datastore");
//Perhaps a bit hackish...? Seems like this should be near it's definition in NodeStats.
}, true);
maxTotalDatastoreSize = nodeConfig.getLong("storeSize");
if(maxTotalDatastoreSize < MIN_STORE_SIZE && !storeType.equals("ram")) { // totally arbitrary minimum!
throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_INVALID_STORE_SIZE, "Store size too small");
maxTotalKeys = maxTotalDatastoreSize / sizePerKey;
nodeConfig.register("storeUseSlotFilters", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.storeUseSlotFilters", "Node.storeUseSlotFiltersLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
synchronized(Node.this) {
return storeUseSlotFilters;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException,
NodeNeedRestartException {
synchronized(Node.this) {
storeUseSlotFilters = val;
// FIXME l10n
throw new NodeNeedRestartException("Need to restart to change storeUseSlotFilters");
storeUseSlotFilters = nodeConfig.getBoolean("storeUseSlotFilters");
nodeConfig.register("storeSaltHashSlotFilterPersistenceTime", ResizablePersistentIntBuffer.DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_TIME, sortOrder++, true, false,
"Node.storeSaltHashSlotFilterPersistenceTime", "Node.storeSaltHashSlotFilterPersistenceTimeLong", new IntCallback() {
public Integer get() {
return ResizablePersistentIntBuffer.getPersistenceTime();
public void set(Integer val)
throws InvalidConfigValueException,
NodeNeedRestartException {
if(val >= -1)
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("slotFilterPersistenceTimeError"));
}, false);
nodeConfig.register("storeSaltHashResizeOnStart", false, sortOrder++, true, false,
"Node.storeSaltHashResizeOnStart", "Node.storeSaltHashResizeOnStartLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return storeSaltHashResizeOnStart;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
storeSaltHashResizeOnStart = val;
storeSaltHashResizeOnStart = nodeConfig.getBoolean("storeSaltHashResizeOnStart");
this.storeDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "storeDir", userDir().file("datastore").getPath(), "Node.storeDirectory", "Node.storeDirectoryLong", nodeConfig);
final String suffix = getStoreSuffix();
maxStoreKeys = maxTotalKeys / 2;
maxCacheKeys = maxTotalKeys - maxStoreKeys;
* On Windows, setting the file length normally involves writing lots of zeros.
* So it's an uninterruptible system call that takes a loooong time. On OS/X,
* presumably the same is true. If the RNG is fast enough, this means that
* setting the length and writing random data take exactly the same amount
* of time. On most versions of Unix, holes can be created. However on all
* systems, predictable disk usage is a good thing. So lets turn it on by
* default for now, on all systems. The datastore can be read but mostly not
* written while the random data is being written.
nodeConfig.register("storePreallocate", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.storePreallocate", "Node.storePreallocateLong",
new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return storePreallocate;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
storePreallocate = val;
if (storeType.equals("salt-hash")) {
setPreallocate(chkDatastore, val);
setPreallocate(chkDatacache, val);
setPreallocate(pubKeyDatastore, val);
setPreallocate(pubKeyDatacache, val);
setPreallocate(sskDatastore, val);
setPreallocate(sskDatacache, val);
private void setPreallocate(StoreCallback<?> datastore,
boolean val) {
// Avoid race conditions by checking first.
FreenetStore<?> store = datastore.getStore();
if(store instanceof SaltedHashFreenetStore)
storePreallocate = nodeConfig.getBoolean("storePreallocate");
if(File.separatorChar == '/' && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("mac os") < 0) {
securityLevels.addPhysicalThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<SecurityLevels.PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
try {
nodeConfig.set("storePreallocate", false);
nodeConfig.set("storePreallocate", true);
} catch (NodeNeedRestartException e) {
// Ignore
} catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) {
// Ignore
securityLevels.addPhysicalThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<SecurityLevels.PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
synchronized(this) {
clientCacheAwaitingPassword = false;
databaseAwaitingPassword = false;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to securely delete "+masterKeysFile);
System.err.println(NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.cantDeletePasswordFile", "filename", masterKeysFile.getAbsolutePath()));
clientCore.alerts.register(new SimpleUserAlert(true, NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.cantDeletePasswordFileTitle"), NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.cantDeletePasswordFile"), NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.cantDeletePasswordFileTitle"), UserAlert.CRITICAL_ERROR));
// Not passworded.
// Create the master.keys.
// Keys must exist.
try {
MasterKeys keys;
synchronized(this) {
keys = Node.this.keys;
keys.changePassword(masterKeysFile, "", secureRandom);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to create encryption keys file: "+masterKeysFile+" : "+e, e);
System.err.println("Unable to create encryption keys file: "+masterKeysFile+" : "+e);
if(securityLevels.physicalThreatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = "Unable to securely delete old master.keys file when switching to MAXIMUM seclevel!!";
throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_CANT_WRITE_MASTER_KEYS, msg);
long defaultCacheSize;
long memoryLimit = NodeStarter.getMemoryLimitBytes();
// This is tricky because systems with low memory probably also have slow disks, but using
// up too much memory can be catastrophic...
// Total alchemy, FIXME!
if(memoryLimit == Long.MAX_VALUE || memoryLimit < 0)
defaultCacheSize = 1024*1024;
else if(memoryLimit <= 128*1024*1024)
defaultCacheSize = 0; // Turn off completely for very small memory.
else {
// 9 stores, total should be 5% of memory, up to maximum of 1MB per store at 308MB+
defaultCacheSize = Math.min(1024*1024, (memoryLimit - 128*1024*1024) / (20*9));
nodeConfig.register("cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize", defaultCacheSize, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize", "Node.cachingFreenetStoreMaxSizeLong",
new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
synchronized(Node.this) {
return cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize;
public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
if(val < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("invalidMemoryCacheSize"));
// Any positive value is legal. In particular, e.g. 1200 bytes would cause us to cache SSKs but not CHKs.
synchronized(Node.this) {
cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize = val;
throw new NodeNeedRestartException("Caching Maximum Size cannot be changed on the fly");
}, true);
cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize = nodeConfig.getLong("cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize");
if(cachingFreenetStoreMaxSize < 0)
throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_CONFIG, l10n("invalidMemoryCacheSize"));
nodeConfig.register("cachingFreenetStorePeriod", "300k", sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.cachingFreenetStorePeriod", "Node.cachingFreenetStorePeriod",
new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
synchronized(Node.this) {
return cachingFreenetStorePeriod;
public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
synchronized(Node.this) {
cachingFreenetStorePeriod = val;
throw new NodeNeedRestartException("Caching Period cannot be changed on the fly");
}, true);
cachingFreenetStorePeriod = nodeConfig.getLong("cachingFreenetStorePeriod");
boolean shouldWriteConfig = false;
if(storeType.equals("bdb-index")) {
System.err.println("Old format Berkeley DB datastore detected.");
System.err.println("This datastore format is no longer supported.");
System.err.println("The old datastore will be securely deleted.");
storeType = "salt-hash";
shouldWriteConfig = true;
if (storeType.equals("salt-hash")) {
// FIXME remove migration code
final int lastVersionWithBloom = 1384;
if(lastVersion > 0 && lastVersion <= lastVersionWithBloom) {
// Check for a comment in wrapper.conf saying we've already upgraded, otherwise update it and restart.
long extraMemory = maxTotalKeys * 3 * 4;
int extraMemoryMB = (int)Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ((extraMemory + 1024 * 1024 - 1) / (1024 * 1024)));
if(extraMemoryMB >= 10) {
System.out.println("Need "+extraMemoryMB+"MB extra space in heap for slot filters.");
UpdateDeployContext.CHANGED changed =
UpdateDeployContext.tryIncreaseMemoryLimit(extraMemoryMB, " Increased because of slot filters in "+(lastVersionWithBloom+1));
if(changed == CHANGED.SUCCESS) {
System.err.println("Unable to restart after increasing memory limit for the slot filters (the total memory usage is decreased relative to bloom filters but the heap size needs to grow). Probably due to not running in the wrapper.");
System.err.println("If the node crashes due to out of memory, be it on your own head!");
System.err.println("You need to increase wrapper.java.maxmemory by "+extraMemoryMB);
} else if(changed == CHANGED.FAIL) {
System.err.println("Unable to increase the memory limit for the slot filters (the total memory usage is decreased relative to bloom filters but the heap size needs to grow). Most likely due to being unable to write wrapper.conf or similar problem.");
System.err.println("If the node crashes due to out of memory, be it on your own head!");
System.err.println("You need to increase wrapper.java.maxmemory by "+extraMemoryMB);
} else /*if(changed == CHANGED.ALREADY)*/ {
System.err.println("Memory limit has already been increased for slot filters, continuing startup.");
initSaltHashFS(suffix, false, null);
} else {
if(databaseAwaitingPassword) createPasswordUserAlert();
// Client cache
// Default is 10MB, in memory only. The wizard will change this.
nodeConfig.register("clientCacheType", "ram", sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.clientCacheType", "Node.clientCacheTypeLong", new ClientCacheTypeCallback());
clientCacheType = nodeConfig.getString("clientCacheType");
nodeConfig.register("clientCacheSize", DEFAULT_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE, sortOrder++, false, true, "Node.clientCacheSize", "Node.clientCacheSizeLong",
new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
return maxTotalClientCacheSize;
public void set(Long storeSize) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("invalidStoreSize"));
long newMaxStoreKeys = storeSize / sizePerKey;
if(newMaxStoreKeys == maxClientCacheKeys) return;
// Update each datastore
synchronized(Node.this) {
maxTotalClientCacheSize = storeSize;
maxClientCacheKeys = newMaxStoreKeys;
try {
chkClientcache.setMaxKeys(maxClientCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
pubKeyClientcache.setMaxKeys(maxClientCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
sskClientcache.setMaxKeys(maxClientCacheKeys, storeForceBigShrinks);
} catch (IOException e) {
// FIXME we need to be able to tell the user.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e+" resizing the clientcache", e);
System.err.println("Caught "+e+" resizing the clientcache");
}, true);
maxTotalClientCacheSize = nodeConfig.getLong("clientCacheSize");
if(maxTotalClientCacheSize < MIN_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE) {
throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_INVALID_STORE_SIZE, "Client cache size too small");
maxClientCacheKeys = maxTotalClientCacheSize / sizePerKey;
boolean startedClientCache = false;
if (clientCacheType.equals("salt-hash")) {
if(clientCacheKey == null) {
System.err.println("Cannot open client-cache, it is passworded");
} else {
initSaltHashClientCacheFS(suffix, false, clientCacheKey);
startedClientCache = true;
} else if(clientCacheType.equals("none")) {
startedClientCache = true;
} else { // ram
startedClientCache = true;
if(!clientCore.loadedDatabase() && databaseKey != null) {
try {
} catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e2) {
System.err.println("Impossible: "+e2);
} catch (MasterKeysFileSizeException e2) {
System.err.println("Impossible: "+e2);
} catch (IOException e2) {
System.err.println("Unable to load database: "+e2);
nodeConfig.register("useSlashdotCache", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.useSlashdotCache", "Node.useSlashdotCacheLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return useSlashdotCache;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
useSlashdotCache = val;
useSlashdotCache = nodeConfig.getBoolean("useSlashdotCache");
nodeConfig.register("writeLocalToDatastore", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.writeLocalToDatastore", "Node.writeLocalToDatastoreLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return writeLocalToDatastore;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
writeLocalToDatastore = val;
writeLocalToDatastore = nodeConfig.getBoolean("writeLocalToDatastore");
// LOW network *and* physical seclevel = writeLocalToDatastore
securityLevels.addNetworkThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
if(newLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW && securityLevels.getPhysicalThreatLevel() == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW)
writeLocalToDatastore = true;
writeLocalToDatastore = false;
securityLevels.addPhysicalThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
if(newLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW && securityLevels.getNetworkThreatLevel() == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW)
writeLocalToDatastore = true;
writeLocalToDatastore = false;
nodeConfig.register("slashdotCacheLifetime", MINUTES.toMillis(30), sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.slashdotCacheLifetime", "Node.slashdotCacheLifetimeLong", new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
return chkSlashdotcacheStore.getLifetime();
public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
if(val < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Must be positive!");
}, false);
long slashdotCacheLifetime = nodeConfig.getLong("slashdotCacheLifetime");
nodeConfig.register("slashdotCacheSize", DEFAULT_SLASHDOT_CACHE_SIZE, sortOrder++, false, true, "Node.slashdotCacheSize", "Node.slashdotCacheSizeLong",
new LongCallback() {
public Long get() {
return maxSlashdotCacheSize;