Package freemarker.template

Examples of freemarker.template.TemplateException$StackTraceWriter

    throws TemplateException, IOException
        // Determine the path
        final TemplateModel path = (TemplateModel)params.get("path");
        if(path == null) {
            throw new TemplateException("Missing required parameter 'path'", env);
        if(!(path instanceof TemplateScalarModel)) {
            throw new TemplateException("Expected a scalar model. 'path' is instead " +
                    path.getClass().getName(), env);
        final String strPath = ((TemplateScalarModel)path).getAsString();
        if(strPath == null) {
            throw new TemplateException("String value of 'path' parameter is null", env);
        // See whether we need to use a custom response (if we're inside a TTM
        // or TDM or macro nested body, we'll need to as then the current
        // FM environment writer is not identical to HTTP servlet response
        // writer.
        final Writer envOut = env.getOut();
        final HttpServletResponse wrappedResponse;
        if(envOut == response.getWriter()) {
            // Don't bother wrapping if environment's writer is same as
            // response writer
            wrappedResponse = response;
        else {
            final PrintWriter printWriter = (envOut instanceof PrintWriter) ?
                (PrintWriter)envOut :
                new PrintWriter(envOut);
            // Otherwise, create a response wrapper that will pass the
            // env writer, potentially first wrapping it in a print
            // writer when it ain't one already.
            wrappedResponse = new HttpServletResponseWrapper(response) {
                public PrintWriter getWriter() {
                    return printWriter;

        // Determine inherit_params value
        final boolean inheritParams;
        final TemplateModel inheritParamsModel = (TemplateModel)params.get("inherit_params");
        if(inheritParamsModel == null) {
            // defaults to true when not specified
            inheritParams = true;
        else {
            if(!(inheritParamsModel instanceof TemplateBooleanModel)) {
                throw new TemplateException("'inherit_params' should be a boolean but it is " +
                        inheritParamsModel.getClass().getName() + " instead", env);
            inheritParams = ((TemplateBooleanModel)inheritParamsModel).getAsBoolean();
        // Get explicit params, if any
        final TemplateModel paramsModel = (TemplateModel)params.get("params");
        // Determine whether we need to wrap the request
        final HttpServletRequest wrappedRequest;
        if(paramsModel == null && inheritParams) {
            // Inherit original request params & no params explicitly
            // specified, so use the original request
            wrappedRequest = request;
        else {
            // In any other case, use a custom request wrapper
            final Map paramsMap;
            if(paramsModel != null) {
                // Convert params to a Map
                final Object unwrapped = DeepUnwrap.unwrap(paramsModel);
                if(!(unwrapped instanceof Map)) {
                    throw new TemplateException("Expected 'params' to unwrap " +
                            "into a java.util.Map. It unwrapped into " +
                            unwrapped.getClass().getName() + " instead.", env);
                paramsMap = (Map)unwrapped;
            else {
                paramsMap = Collections12.EMPTY_MAP;
            wrappedRequest = new CustomParamsRequest(request, paramsMap,
        // Finally, do the include
        try {
        catch (ServletException e) {
            throw new TemplateException(e, env);
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        catch(Exception e) {
            throw new TemplateException(e, null);
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                && (trustedTemplateNames.contains(templateName)
                        || hasMatchingPrefix(templateName))) {
            return TemplateClassResolver.SAFER_RESOLVER.resolve(className, env, template);
        } else {
            if (!allowedClasses.contains(className)) {
                throw new TemplateException(
                        "Instantiating " + className + " is not allowed in the " +
                        "template for security reasons. (If you meet this problem " +
                        "when using ?new in a template, you may want to look " +
                        "at the \"" + Configurable.NEW_BUILTIN_CLASS_RESOLVER_KEY +
                        "\" setting in the FreeMarker configuration.)",
            } else {
                try {
                    return ClassUtil.forName(className);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new TemplateException(e, env);
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        protected void checkDateTypeNotUnknown(int dateType, Environment env)
        throws TemplateException {
            if (dateType == TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN) {
                throw new TemplateException(
                        "Unknown date type: ?" + biName + " needs a date value "
                        + "where it's known if it's a date-only, time-only, or "
                        + "date+time value. Use ?time, ?date or ?datetime "
                        + "before ? " + biName + " to estabilish that.",
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            importedTemplate = env.getTemplateForImporting(templateNameString);
        catch (ParseException pe) {
            String msg = "Error parsing imported template "
                        + templateNameString;
            throw new TemplateException(msg, pe, env);
        catch (IOException ioe) {
            String msg = "Error reading imported file "
                        + templateNameString;
            throw new TemplateException(msg, ioe, env);
        env.importLib(importedTemplate, namespace);
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            this.env = env;
            TemplateModel nsModel = null;
            if(namespaceExp != null) {
                nsModel = namespaceExp.getAsTemplateModel(env);
                if (!(nsModel instanceof Environment.Namespace)) {
                    throw new TemplateException(
                        "namespace parameter does not specify "
                        + "a namespace. It is a "
                        + nsModel.getClass().getName(), env);
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        public ConstructorFunction(String classname, Environment env, Template template) throws TemplateException {
            this.env = env;
            cl = env.getNewBuiltinClassResolver().resolve(classname, env, template);
            if (!TM_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                throw new TemplateException("Class " + cl.getName() + " does not implement freemarker.template.TemplateModel", env);
            if (BEAN_MODEL_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                throw new TemplateException("Bean Models cannot be instantiated using the ?new built-in", env);
            if (JYTHON_MODEL_CLASS != null && JYTHON_MODEL_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                throw new TemplateException("Jython Models cannot be instantiated using the ?new built-in", env);
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        catch(Exception e) {
            throw new TemplateException(e, null);
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        public ConstructorFunction(String classname, Environment env) throws TemplateException {
            this.env = env;
            try {
                cl = ClassUtil.forName(classname);
                if (!TM_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                    throw new TemplateException("Class " + cl.getName() + " does not implement freemarker.template.TemplateModel", env);
                if (BEAN_MODEL_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                    throw new TemplateException("Bean Models cannot be instantiated using the ?new built-in", env);
                if (JYTHON_MODEL_CLASS != null && JYTHON_MODEL_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                    throw new TemplateException("Jython Models cannot be instantiated using the ?new built-in", env);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                throw new TemplateException(cnfe, env);
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    public void testEvaluateWriterException() throws TemplateException, IOException {
        TemplateDirectiveBody body = createMock(TemplateDirectiveBody.class);
        Writer writer = createMock(Writer.class);

        expectLastCall().andThrow(new TemplateException(null));

        replay(body, writer);
        try {
            FreemarkerModelBody modelBody = new FreemarkerModelBody(null, body);
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Related Classes of freemarker.template.TemplateException$StackTraceWriter

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