Remoting gateway to the MBean server that hosts Flex MBeans.
Some base methods are unimplemented due to the fact that we're interacting with the MBean server from remote Flash clients. Some methods have been modified to better suite remote Flash clients. Other methods are additive, serving as a convenience for Flex applications.
Unimplemented methods from the base MBeanServer API:
- getDomains() - JMX 1.2
- addNotificationListener()/removeNotificationListener() - Flash objects cannot listen directly for MBean notifications.
- instantiate() - returns a reference to a Java object that is not useful to a remote Flash client.
- deserialize() - deprecated.
- getClassLoaderFor() - meaningless to a Flash client.
- getClassLoader() - meaningless to a Flash client.
- getClassLoaderRepository() - meaningless to a Flash client.
Modifications to the base MBeanServer API:
- * All ObjectName arguments are typed as String because serialization in either direction doesn't support ObjectNames that are patterns. This does not effect ObjectNames that are not patterns that are returned to the client.
- queryMBeans() - returns an Array of ObjectInstances rather than a java.util.Set and does not currently support the QueryExp argument.
- queryNames() returns an Array of ObjectNames rather than a java.util.Set and does not currently support the QueryExp argument.
- getAttributes() returns an Array of Attributes rather than an AttributeList.
- setAttributes() accepts and returns Arrays of Attributes rather than AttributeLists.
Additonal Flex-specific methods:
- getFlexMBeanCount()
- getFlexDomains()
- getFlexMBeanObjectNames()
@author shodgson