// since no parms test for valid location if none use players concept of where we stopped
if( fileInfo.getFile(currentModule, currentIsolate) == null)
//here we simply use the players concept of suspsend
DSuspendInfo info = ((PlayerSession)session).getSuspendInfoIsolate(isolateId);
int at = info.getOffset();
int which = info.getActionIndex();
int until = info.getNextOffset();
if (info.getReason() == SuspendReason.Unknown)
throw new SuspendedException();
SwfInfo swf = fileInfo.getSwfs(isolateId)[which];
outputAssembly(cli, (DSwfInfo)swf, at, until);
throw new AmbiguousException(getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("key27")); //$NON-NLS-1$