} else {
// IF web user from client project with client-project-specific mapping definitions and configuration file within path
// OR (once this class is thread-safe) web user not an administrator
// THEN reopen session with additional tables and/or (once this class is thread-safe) group-specific locking
if (webUser != null){
ClientProject clientProject = webUser.getGroup().getClientProject();
String additionalConfigurationFile = null;
String hibernateConfigurationFile = clientProject.getHibernateConfigurationFile();
if (hibernateConfigurationFile != null && getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(hibernateConfigurationFile)!= null){
additionalConfigurationFile = hibernateConfigurationFile;
/*Long accessedGroupId = (req.isUserInRole(UserManagerBase.ADMINISTRATOR) ? null : webUser.getGroup().getId());*/
if (additionalConfigurationFile != null /*|| accessedGroupId != null*/){