} catch (JDOMException e) {
throw new InvalidWishesFile("could not find the events node in the XML file (" + parentsPath + ")", e);
nodeIter = nodeList.iterator();
Parent parent;
int id = 0;
String firstName = null;
String lastName = null;
String eMail = null;
String useEMail = null;
while(nodeIter.hasNext()) {
node = (Element) nodeIter.next();
id = Integer.parseInt(node.getAttributeValue("id"));
firstName = node.getAttributeValue("firstname");
lastName = node.getAttributeValue("lastname");
useEMail = node.getAttributeValue("use-email");
if(useEMail.equals("true")) {
eMail = node.getAttributeValue("email");
else {
eMail = null;
if(firstName != null && lastName != null && id > 0) {
parent = new Parent(id, firstName, lastName, eMail);
readParentVisits(parent, node);
else {