/* Create the 6 data sources: */
/* part: (partkey | name, mfgr, brand, type, size, container, retailprice, comment) */
FileDataSource partInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.partInputPath, "\"part\" source");
// partInput.getCompilerHints().setAvgNumValuesPerKey(1);
/* partsupp: (partkey | suppkey, availqty, supplycost, comment) */
FileDataSource partSuppInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.partSuppInputPath, "\"partsupp\" source");
/* orders: (orderkey | custkey, orderstatus, totalprice, orderdate, orderpriority, clerk, shippriority, comment) */
FileDataSource ordersInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.ordersInputPath, "\"orders\" source");
// ordersInput.getCompilerHints().setAvgNumValuesPerKey(1);
/* lineitem: (orderkey | partkey, suppkey, linenumber, quantity, extendedprice, discount, tax, ...) */
FileDataSource lineItemInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.lineItemInputPath, "\"lineitem\" source");
/* supplier: (suppkey | name, address, nationkey, phone, acctbal, comment) */
FileDataSource supplierInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.supplierInputPath, "\"supplier\" source");
// supplierInput.getCompilerHints().setAvgNumValuesPerKey(1);
/* nation: (nationkey | name, regionkey, comment) */
FileDataSource nationInput = new FileDataSource(
new IntTupleDataInFormat(), this.nationInputPath, "\"nation\" source");
// nationInput.getCompilerHints().setAvgNumValuesPerKey(1);
/* Filter on part's name, project values to NULL: */
MapOperator filterPart = MapOperator.builder(PartFilter.class)