public JobSubmissionResult submitJob(JobGraph job) throws IOException {
try {
// First check if job is null
if (job == null) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR,
"Submitted job is null!");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Submitted job " + job.getName() + " is not null");
// Check if any vertex of the graph has null edges
AbstractJobVertex jv = job.findVertexWithNullEdges();
if (jv != null) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, "Vertex "
+ jv.getName() + " has at least one null edge");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Submitted job " + job.getName() + " has no null edges");
// Next, check if the graph is weakly connected
if (!job.isWeaklyConnected()) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR,
"Job graph is not weakly connected");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("The graph of job " + job.getName() + " is weakly connected");
// Check if job graph has cycles
if (!job.isAcyclic()) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR,
"Job graph is not a DAG");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("The graph of job " + job.getName() + " is acyclic");
// Check constrains on degree
jv = job.areVertexDegreesCorrect();
if (jv != null) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR,
"Degree of vertex " + jv.getName() + " is incorrect");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("All vertices of job " + job.getName() + " have the correct degree");
if (!job.isInstanceDependencyChainAcyclic()) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR,
"The dependency chain for instance sharing contains a cycle");
return result;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("The dependency chain for instance sharing is acyclic");
// Check if the job will be executed with profiling enabled
boolean jobRunsWithProfiling = false;
if (this.profiler != null && job.getJobConfiguration().getBoolean(ProfilingUtils.PROFILE_JOB_KEY, true)) {
jobRunsWithProfiling = true;
// Try to create initial execution graph from job graph
LOG.info("Creating initial execution graph from job graph " + job.getName());
ExecutionGraph eg;
try {
eg = new ExecutionGraph(job, this.instanceManager);
} catch (GraphConversionException e) {
if (e.getCause() == null) {
return new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
} else {
Throwable t = e.getCause();
if (t instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
return new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, t.getMessage());
} else {
return new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, StringUtils.stringifyException(t));
// Register job with the progress collector
if (this.eventCollector != null) {
this.eventCollector.registerJob(eg, jobRunsWithProfiling, System.currentTimeMillis());
// Check if profiling should be enabled for this job
if (jobRunsWithProfiling) {
if (this.eventCollector != null) {
this.profiler.registerForProfilingData(eg.getJobID(), this.eventCollector);
// Register job with the dynamic input split assigner
// Register for updates on the job status
// Schedule job
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOG.info("Scheduling job " + job.getName());
try {
} catch (SchedulingException e) {
JobSubmissionResult result = new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
return result;
// Return on success
return new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.SUCCESS, null);
catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Job submission failed.", t);
return new JobSubmissionResult(AbstractJobResult.ReturnCode.ERROR, StringUtils.stringifyException(t));