//0. create a TestbedBatchJob object that's used to temporarily park the results
TestbedBatchJob testbedBatchJob = new TestbedBatchJob( expID);
//1. submit the Workflow to the WEE System and receive a ticket
try {
retTicket = "" + TestbedWEEBatchProcessor.weeService.submitWorkflowByReference((ArrayList<URI>) digObjRef, workflowConfig.getTemplate().getClazz(), new WorkflowConfigUtil().marshalWorkflowConfigToXMLTemplate(workflowConfig));
submitTicketToExecutionQueue(retTicket, testbedBatchJob, expID);
return retTicket;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error when remotely submitting workflow by reference to WEE or ticket to pollingQueue was called",e);
return "";