final String correlation = delivery.hasCorrelationId () ? delivery.getCorrelationId () : null;
final String callback = delivery.hasReplyTo () ? delivery.getReplyTo () : null;
this.transcript.traceDebugging ("processing a message delivery (of size `%d`) for the consumer `%s` from exchange `%s` with routing key `%s` (with content-type `%s`, content-encoding `%s`, durable `%b`, correlation `%s`, callback `%s`)...", Integer.valueOf (data.length), consumerIdentifier, exchange, routingKey, contentType, contentEncoding, Boolean.valueOf (durable), correlation, callback);
final IAmqpQueueRawConsumerCallback consumerCallback = this.pendingConsumers.get (consumerIdentifier);
Preconditions.checkNotNull (consumerIdentifier);
final AmqpInboundMessage inboundMessage = new AmqpInboundMessage (consumerIdentifier, deliveryTag, exchange, routingKey, data, durable, callback, contentEncoding, contentType, correlation, null);
consumerCallback.handleDelivery (inboundMessage);
case SHUTDOWN : {
final AmqpPayloads.ShutdownMessage downPayload = (ShutdownMessage) message.payload;