private void setAlgorithmInputs(Map<String, Object> input)
throws GeoAlgorithmExecutionException {
// set the normal parameters
ParametersSet paramSet = (ParametersSet) m_Algorithm.getParameters();
boolean gridExtendRequired = false;
for(String sKey : input.keySet()) {
// these two parameters we made up to expose the GridExtent, we'll deal with them later
Object paramValue = input.get(sKey);
Parameter param = paramSet.getParameter(sKey);
if(paramValue instanceof FeatureCollection) {
param.setParameterValue(GTVectorLayer.createLayer(DataUtilities.source((FeatureCollection) paramValue), Query.ALL));
} else if(paramValue instanceof GridCoverage2D) {
GTRasterLayer layer = new GTRasterLayer();
gridExtendRequired = true;
} else {
// check the outputs as well for raster data
OutputObjectsSet outputs = m_Algorithm.getOutputObjects();
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.getOutputObjectsCount(); i++) {
Output output = outputs.getOutput(i);
if(output instanceof OutputRasterLayer) {
gridExtendRequired = true;
// handle the grid extent if necessary
if(gridExtendRequired) {
// get the cell size
double cellSize = Double.NaN;
if(input.get(SEXTANTE_GRID_CELL_SIZE) != null) {
cellSize = (Double) input.get(SEXTANTE_GRID_CELL_SIZE);
} else {
for(String sKey : input.keySet()) {
Object value = paramSet.getParameter(sKey).getParameterValueAsObject();
if(value instanceof GTRasterLayer) {
cellSize = ((GTRasterLayer) value).getLayerCellSize();
if(Double.isNaN(cellSize)) {
throw new GeoAlgorithmExecutionException(SEXTANTE_GRID_CELL_SIZE
+ " parameter could not be derived from inputs, and is not available among ");
// get the extents
Envelope envelope = null;
if(input.get(SEXTANTE_GRID_ENVELOPE) != null) {
envelope = (Envelope) input.get(SEXTANTE_GRID_ENVELOPE);
} else {
for(String sKey : input.keySet()) {
Object value = paramSet.getParameter(sKey).getParameterValueAsObject();
if(value instanceof GTRasterLayer) {
GridExtent ge = ((GTRasterLayer) value).getLayerGridExtent();
Envelope genv = new Envelope(ge.getXMin(), ge.getXMax(), ge.getYMin(), ge.getYMax());
if(envelope == null) {
envelope = genv;