Package erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls

Examples of erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls.GuiIconButton

  protected abstract int getBlockMetadata();
  private void createInventoryExposureButton(int side, int x, int y) {
    if(exposureButtons[side] != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction already exposed"); }

    GuiIconButton newBtn = new GuiIconButton(EXPOSURE_BUTTON_ID_BASE + side, x, y, 20, 20, null);
    exposureButtons[side] = newBtn;
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  // Add controls, etc.
  public void initGui() {

    btnReactorOn = new GuiIconButton(0, guiLeft + 4, guiTop + 164, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("On_off"));
    btnReactorOff = new GuiIconButton(1, guiLeft + 22, guiTop + 164, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("Off_off"));
    btnReactorOn.setTooltip(new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Activate Reactor" });
    btnReactorOff.setTooltip(new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Deactivate Reactor", "Residual heat will still", "generate power/consume coolant,", "until the reactor cools." });
    btnWasteAutoEject = new GuiIconButton(2, guiLeft + 4, guiTop + 144, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("wasteEject_off"));
    btnWasteManual = new GuiIconButton(4, guiLeft + 22, guiTop + 144, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("wasteManual_off"));
    btnWasteEject = new GuiIconButton(5, guiLeft + 50, guiTop + 144, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("wasteEject"));

    btnWasteEject.visible = false;

    btnWasteAutoEject.setTooltip(new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Auto-Eject Waste", "Waste in the core will be ejected", "as soon as possible" });
    btnWasteManual.setTooltip(new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Do Not Auto-Eject Waste", EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Waste must be manually ejected.", "", "Ejection can be done from this", "screen, or via rednet,", "redstone or computer port signals."});
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  public void initGui() {

    ejectFuel = new GuiIconButton(2, guiLeft + xSize - 97, guiTop + 53, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("fuelEject"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Eject Fuel", "", "Ejects fuel contained in the", "reactor, placing ingots in the", "reactor's access ports.", "", "SHIFT: Dump excess fuel."});
    ejectWaste = new GuiIconButton(3, guiLeft + xSize - 77, guiTop + 53, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("wasteEject"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Eject Waste", "", "Ejects waste contained in the", "reactor, placing ingots in the", "reactor's access ports.", "", "SHIFT: Dump excess waste."});
    btnInlet = new GuiIconButton(0, guiLeft + xSize - 47, guiTop + 53, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("inletOn"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Inlet Mode", "", "Sets the access port to", "inlet mode.", "", "Port WILL accept", "items from pipes/ducts.", "Port WILL NOT eject", "items to pipes/ducts."});
    btnOutlet = new GuiIconButton(1, guiLeft + xSize - 27, guiTop + 53, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("outletOn"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Outlet Mode", "", "Sets the access port to", "outlet mode.", "", "Port WILL NOT accept", "items from pipes/ducts.", "Port WILL eject", "ingots to pipes/ducts."});
    inventoryLabel = new BeefGuiLabel(this, "Inventory", guiLeft + 8, guiTop + 64);
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    rpmIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 93, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("rpm"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Rotor Speed" });
    rpmBar = new BeefGuiRpmBar(this, guiLeft + 92, guiTop + 22, turbine, "Rotor Speed", new String[] {"Rotors perform best at", "900 or 1800 RPM.", "", "Rotors kept overspeed for too", "long may fail.", "", "Catastrophically."});
    governorIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 102, guiTop + 107, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("flowRate"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Flow Rate Governor", "", "Controls the maximum rate at", "which hot fluids are drawn", "from the turbine's intake tank", "and passed over the turbines.", "", "Effectively, the max rate at which", "the turbine will process fluids."});
    governorString = new BeefGuiLabel(this, "", guiLeft + 122, guiTop + 112);
    btnGovernorUp   = new GuiIconButton(2, guiLeft + 120, guiTop + 125, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("upArrow"),   new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Increase Max Flow Rate", "", "Higher flow rates will", "increase rotor speed.", "", "SHIFT: +10 mB", "CTRL: +100mB", "CTRL+SHIFT: +1000mB"});
    btnGovernorDown = new GuiIconButton(3, guiLeft + 140, guiTop + 125, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("downArrow"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Decrease Max Flow Rate", "", "Lower flow rates will", "decrease rotor speed.""", "SHIFT: -10 mB", "CTRL: -100mB", "CTRL+SHIFT: -1000mB"});

    inductorIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, leftX, guiTop + 105, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("coil"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Induction Coils", "", "Metal coils inside the turbine", "extract energy from the rotor", "and convert it into RF.", "", "These controls engage/disengage", "the coils."});
    btnInductorOn = new GuiIconButton(7, guiLeft + 24, guiTop + 104, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("On_off"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Engage Coils", "", "Engages the induction coils.", "Energy will be extracted from", "the rotor and converted to RF.", "", "Energy extraction exerts drag", "on the rotor, slowing it down." });
    btnInductorOff = new GuiIconButton(8, guiLeft + 44, guiTop + 104, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("Off_off"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Disengage Coils", "", "Disengages the induction coils.", "Energy will NOT be extracted from", "the rotor, allowing it to", "spin faster." });
    btnActivate = new GuiIconButton(0, guiLeft + 4, guiTop + 144, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("On_off"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Activate Turbine", "", "Enables flow of intake fluid to rotor.", "Fluid flow will spin up the rotor." });
    btnDeactivate = new GuiIconButton(1, guiLeft + 24, guiTop + 144, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("Off_off"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Deactivate Turbine", "", "Disables flow of intake fluid to rotor.", "The rotor will spin down." });
    btnVentAll = new GuiIconButton(4, guiLeft + 4, guiTop + 124, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("ventAllOff"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Vent: All Exhaust", "", "Dump all exhaust fluids.", "The exhaust fluid tank", "will not fill."});
    btnVentOverflow = new GuiIconButton(5, guiLeft + 24, guiTop + 124, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("ventOverflowOff"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Vent: Overflow Only", "", "Dump excess exhaust fluids.", "Excess fluids will be lost", "if exhaust fluid tank is full."});
    btnVentNone = new GuiIconButton(6, guiLeft + 44, guiTop + 124, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("ventNoneOff"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Vent: Closed", "", "Preserve all exhaust fluids.", "Turbine will slow or halt", "fluid intake if exhaust", "fluid tank is full."});
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    insertionLabel = new BeefGuiLabel(this, "", leftX+62, topY+5);
    topY += 20;
    insertionBar = new BeefGuiInsertionProgressBar(this, leftX+40, topY);

    topY += 12;
    rodRetractBtn = new GuiIconButton(0, leftX+70, topY, 20, 20, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("upArrow"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Insert Rod", "Increase insertion by 10.", "", "Shift: +100", "Alt: +5", "Shift+Alt: +1", "", "Ctrl: Change ALL Rods" });
    topY += 20;
    rodInsertBtn = new GuiIconButton(1, leftX+70, topY, 20, 20, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("downArrow"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Retract Rod", "Reduce insertion by 10.", "", "Shift: -100", "Alt: -5", "Shift+Alt: -1", "", "Ctrl: Change ALL Rods" });
    topY += 32;

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Related Classes of erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls.GuiIconButton

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