waterIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 133, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("coolantOut"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Exhaust Fluid Tank" });
waterBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 132, guiTop + 22, turbine, MultiblockTurbine.TANK_OUTPUT);
rpmIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 93, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("rpm"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Rotor Speed" });
rpmBar = new BeefGuiRpmBar(this, guiLeft + 92, guiTop + 22, turbine, "Rotor Speed", new String[] {"Rotors perform best at", "900 or 1800 RPM.", "", "Rotors kept overspeed for too", "long may fail.", "", "Catastrophically."});
governorIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 102, guiTop + 107, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("flowRate"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Flow Rate Governor", "", "Controls the maximum rate at", "which hot fluids are drawn", "from the turbine's intake tank", "and passed over the turbines.", "", "Effectively, the max rate at which", "the turbine will process fluids."});
governorString = new BeefGuiLabel(this, "", guiLeft + 122, guiTop + 112);
btnGovernorUp = new GuiIconButton(2, guiLeft + 120, guiTop + 125, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("upArrow"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Increase Max Flow Rate", "", "Higher flow rates will", "increase rotor speed.", "", "SHIFT: +10 mB", "CTRL: +100mB", "CTRL+SHIFT: +1000mB"});
btnGovernorDown = new GuiIconButton(3, guiLeft + 140, guiTop + 125, 18, 18, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("downArrow"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Decrease Max Flow Rate", "", "Lower flow rates will", "decrease rotor speed.", "", "SHIFT: -10 mB", "CTRL: -100mB", "CTRL+SHIFT: -1000mB"});