// They entity is "Animal" internally, but we want to name it "Pet" to the rest of the world
ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().setExternalNameForInternalName("Pet", "Animal");
// Register a route request handler and use the WO URL naming conventions (capitalized entity names, singular form, camel case -- i.e. /Company.plist)
ERXRouteRequestHandler routeRequestHandler = new ERXRouteRequestHandler(ERXRouteRequestHandler.WO);
// Add the default routes for Company -- CompanyController does some JSR-311 annotations
// If you register routes without specifying a controller name, the request handler will automatically look for
// a controller named [EntityName]Controller. In this case, it would expect a CompanyController class that extends
// ERXRouteController.
// Add the default routes for Animal -- AnimalController is a ERXDefaultRouteController, and is exposed as "Pet" externally
// This is showing the more explicit registration for default routes, where we specify the entity name, the entity type,
// whether the entity has numeric PKs (an attribute which may disappear later), and the controller class to use
routeRequestHandler.addDefaultRoutes(Animal.ENTITY_NAME, Animal.ENTITY_NAME, true, AnimalController.class);
// This is showing what addDefaultRoutes actually does and that you add your own custom routes this way as well.
// routeRequestHandler.addDefaultRoutes(Person.ENTITY_NAME);
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person", ERXRoute.Method.Options, PersonController.class, "options"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person", ERXRoute.Method.Head, PersonController.class, "head"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person", ERXRoute.Method.Post, PersonController.class, "create"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person", ERXRoute.Method.All, PersonController.class, "index"));
// MS: this only works with numeric ids
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person/{action:identifier}", ERXRoute.Method.Get, PersonController.class));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person/{person:Person}", ERXRoute.Method.Get, PersonController.class, "show"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person/{person:Person}", ERXRoute.Method.Put, PersonController.class, "update"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person/{person:Person}", ERXRoute.Method.Delete, PersonController.class, "destroy"));
routeRequestHandler.addRoute(new ERXRoute(Person.ENTITY_NAME, "/Person/{person:Person}/{action:identifier}", ERXRoute.Method.All, PersonController.class));
// Car and Manufacturer are two non-EO classes. For this to work properly, you need to either manually register
// delegates for them via IERXRestDelegate.Factory or create classes named <EntityName>RestDelegate, which is
// how this project works -- CarRestDelegate and ManufacturerRestDelegate.
// Register the request handler with the application -- it becomes the "ra" request handler