* have cards or not as well as have folded or not
private void setPlayerCards( ArrayList<Player> pls ) {
//Variables to store data in types used by the calc engine
HoleCards cards;
Player player;
//Set the total players in the hand (folder or not)
totalPlayers = pls.size();
//Create the HoleCards array used by the engine
playerCards = new HoleCards[ totalPlayers ];
//Loop through each player in the ArrayList, create a HoleCards object
//for them, set their cards & state then add to the prcessing array
//used by the calc engine
for ( int ii = 0; ii < totalPlayers; ii++ ) {
//Get the next player from the list
player = pls.get(ii);
//Check if the player is active (cards in their hand)
if ( player.isActive() ) {
//The player is active, create a HoleCards class for them and
//assign their cards using the data from the input
cards = new HoleCards( new Card( player.getCard(0).getRank(),
player.getCard(0).getSuit() ),
new Card( player.getCard(1).getRank(),
player.getCard(1).getSuit() ) );
//Check if the player has folded
if ( player.getFolded() )
//This defaults to false, so only set if they have folded
cards.setFolded( true );
//Haven't folded, inc the # of active players