Package edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.TroveIntSet$TroveIterator

     * @return the set of rows that were selected
    public DoubleVector[] chooseSeeds(Matrix dataPoints, int k, int[] weights) {

        IntSet selected = new TroveIntSet();
        int rows = dataPoints.rows();
        // Edge case for where the user has requested more seeds than are
        // available.  In this case, just return indices for all the rows
        if (rows <= k) {
            DoubleVector[] arr = new DoubleVector[rows];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                arr[i] = dataPoints.getRowVector(i);
            return arr;

        // This array keeps the relative probability of that index's data point
        // being selected as a centroid.  Although the probabilities change with
        // each center added, the array is only allocated once and is refilled
        // using determineProbabilities() method.
        double[] probabilities = new double[rows];

        // This array keeps the memoized computation of the maximum similarity
        // of each data point i, to any center currently in selected.  After the
        // first two points are selected, each iteration updates this array with
        // the maximum simiarlity of the new center to that point's index.
        double[] inverseSimilarities  = new double[rows];

        // Pick the first two centers, x, y, with probability proportional to
        // 1/sim(x, y).  In the original paper the probility is proportional to
        // ||x - y||^2, which is the square of the distance between the two
        // points.  However, since we use the simiarlity (which is conceptually
        // the inverse of distance), we use the inverse similarity so that
        // elements that are more similarity (i.e., larger values) have smaller
        // probabilities.
  IntPair firstTwoCenters =
            pickFirstTwo(dataPoints, simFunc, weights, inverseSimilarities);

        // For the remaining k-2 points to select, pick a random point, x, with
        // probability min(1/sim(x, c_i)) for all centers c_i in selected.
        // Again, this probability-based selection is updated from the original
        // ORSS paper, which used || x - c_i ||^2 for all centers c.  See the
        // comment above for the reasoning.
  for (int i = 2; i < k; i++) {

            // First, calculate the probabilities for selecting each point given
            // its similarity to any of the currently selected centers
            determineProbabilities(inverseSimilarities, weights, 
                                   probabilities, selected);

            // Then sample a point from the multinomial distribution over the
            // remaining points in dataPoints
            int point = selectWithProb(probabilities);

            // Once we've selected a point, add it the set that we will return
            // and update the similarity all other non-selected points relative
            // to be the highest similarity to any selected point
            boolean added = selected.add(point);
            assert added : "Added duplicate row to the set of selected points";           
            updateNearestCenter(inverseSimilarities, dataPoints,
                                point, simFunc);

        IntIterator iter = selected.iterator();
        DoubleVector[] centroids = new DoubleVector[k];
        for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++i)
            centroids[i] = dataPoints.getRowVector(iter.nextInt());
        return centroids;
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     * The mean vector of the data vectors that have been assigned
    private DoubleVector centroid;

    public CandidateCluster() {
        indices = new TroveIntSet();
        centroid = null;
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IntSet connected() {
        TroveIntSet t = new TroveIntSet();
        return t;
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        return Collections.<WeightedDirectedTypedEdge<T>>unmodifiableSet(
            new HashSet<WeightedDirectedTypedEdge<T>>(outEdges.values()));

    public IntSet predecessors() {
        return new TroveIntSet(inEdges.keySet());
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        return false;

    public IntSet successors() {
        return new TroveIntSet(outEdges.keySet());
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IntSet predecessors(int vertex) {
        IntSet preds = new TroveIntSet();
        for (DirectedEdge e : inEdges(vertex))
        return preds;
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IntSet successors(int vertex) {
        IntSet succs = new TroveIntSet();
        for (DirectedEdge e : outEdges(vertex))
        return succs;
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         * {@inheritDoc}
        public IntSet predecessors(int vertex) {
            IntSet preds = new TroveIntSet();
            for (DirectedEdge e : inEdges(vertex))
            return preds;
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         * {@inheritDoc}
        public IntSet successors(int vertex) {
            IntSet succs = new TroveIntSet();
            for (DirectedEdge e : outEdges(vertex))
            return succs;
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        private final IntSet vertexSubset;

        public Subgraph(Set<T> validTypes, Set<Integer> vertexSubset) {
            this.validTypes = validTypes;
            this.vertexSubset = new TroveIntSet(vertexSubset);
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Related Classes of edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.TroveIntSet$TroveIterator

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