Package edu.ucla.sspace.util

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.util.TimeSpan

                "must specify a timespan duration for the semantic partition");

        // Get the time span that will be used to group the documents
        String timespanStr = argOptions.getStringOption("timespan");
        TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(timespanStr);

        if (argOptions.hasOption('v') || argOptions.hasOption("verbose")) {
            // Enable all the logging at the FINE level for the application
            Logger appRooLogger = Logger.getLogger("edu.ucla.sspace");
            Handler verboseHandler = new ConsoleHandler();
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            new TreeMultiMap<Double,String>();

        // Create a second time span than is twice the duration.  We will use
        // this to check whether two partition's vectors were adjacent in the
        // slice by seeing wether the timestamps fall within this duration
        TimeSpan twoPartitions = new TimeSpan(partitionDuration.getYears() * 2,
                                              partitionDuration.getMonths() * 2,
                                              partitionDuration.getWeeks() * 2,
                                              partitionDuration.getDays() * 2,
                                              partitionDuration.getHours() * 2);
        // Once we have all the vectors for each word in each sspace,
        // calculate how much the vector has changed.
        for (Map.Entry<String,SortedMap<Long,double[]>> e :
                 wordToTemporalSemantics.entrySet()) {
            String word = e.getKey();
            SortedMap<Long,double[]> m = e.getValue();
            // Skip computing shifts for words without enough partitions
            if (m.size() < 2)

            // Get the timestamps as a navigable map so we can identify the last
            // two keys in it more easly.
            NavigableMap<Long,double[]> timestampToVector =
                (e instanceof NavigableMap)
                ? (NavigableMap<Long,double[]>)m
                : new TreeMap<Long,double[]>(m);           

            Map.Entry<Long,double[]> mostRecent = timestampToVector.lastEntry();
            // Skip calculating the shift for words who most recent partition
            // was not the same as the most recent partition for TRI
            if (!mostRecent.getKey().equals(startOfMostRecentPartition))
            Map.Entry<Long,double[]> secondMostRecent =
            // Skip calculating the shift for words where the two most recent
            // partitoins aren't contiguous.  Check for this using the custom
            // time span that covers two partitions
            if (!twoPartitions.insideRange(secondMostRecent.getKey(),

            // Compute the semantic shift of the two partitions
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        String timeSpanProp =

        partitionDuration = (timeSpanProp == null)
            : new TimeSpan(timeSpanProp);
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Related Classes of edu.ucla.sspace.util.TimeSpan

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