// Draw the number of falcons left on the bottom-right of the screen.
private void drawNumberShipsLeft(Graphics g) {
Falcon fal = CommandCenter.getFalcon();
double[] dLens = fal.getLengths();
int nLen = fal.getDegrees().length;
Point[] pntMs = new Point[nLen];
int[] nXs = new int[nLen];
int[] nYs = new int[nLen];
//convert to cartesean points
for (int nC = 0; nC < nLen; nC++) {
pntMs[nC] = new Point((int) (10 * dLens[nC] * Math.sin(Math
.toRadians(90) + fal.getDegrees()[nC])),
(int) (10 * dLens[nC] * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(90)
+ fal.getDegrees()[nC])));
//set the color to white
//for each falcon left (not including the one that is playing)
for (int nD = 1; nD < CommandCenter.getNumFalcons(); nD++) {
//create x and y values for the objects to the bottom right using cartesean points again
for (int nC = 0; nC < fal.getDegrees().length; nC++) {
nXs[nC] = pntMs[nC].x + Game.DIM.width - (20 * nD);
nYs[nC] = pntMs[nC].y + Game.DIM.height - 40;
g.drawPolygon(nXs, nYs, nLen);