binDistance[head][loc] = dg.distanceBin(rawDistance[head][loc]);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
// do tags
for (int start = 0; start + 1 <= length; start++) {
//Force tags
String trueTagStr = null;
if (sentence.get(start) instanceof HasTag) {
trueTagStr = ((HasTag) sentence.get(start)).tag();
if ("".equals(trueTagStr)) {
trueTagStr = null;
//Word context (e.g., morphosyntactic info)
String wordContextStr = null;
if(sentence.get(start) instanceof HasContext) {
wordContextStr = ((HasContext) sentence.get(start)).originalText();
wordContextStr = null;
int word = words[start];
for (Iterator<IntTaggedWord> taggingI = lex.ruleIteratorByWord(word, start, wordContextStr); taggingI.hasNext();) {
IntTaggedWord tagging =;
if (trueTagStr != null) {
if (!tlp.basicCategory(tagging.tagString(tagIndex)).equals(trueTagStr)) {
float score = lex.score(tagging, start, wordIndex.get(tagging.word), wordContextStr);
//iScoreH[start][tag][start] = (op.dcTags ? (float)op.testOptions.depWeight*score : 0.0f);
if (score > Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
int tag = tagging.tag;
iScoreH[start][dg.tagBin(tag)][start] = 0.0f;
iScoreH[start][dg.tagBin(tag)][start + 1] = 0.0f;
if (doiScoreHSum) {
iScoreHSum[start][dg.tagBin(tag)][start] = 0.0f;
iScoreHSum[start][dg.tagBin(tag)][start+1] = 0.0f;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("DepParser accepted tagging: " + wordIndex.get(tagging.word)+"|"+tagIndex.get(tagging.tag) + ", got score " + score);
for (int hWord = 0; hWord < length; hWord++) {
for (int hTag = 0; hTag < numTags; hTag++) {
hasTag[hWord][hTag] = (iScoreH[hWord][hTag][hWord] + iScoreH[hWord][hTag][hWord + 1] > Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
Arrays.fill(headStop[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
for (int aWord = 0; aWord < length; aWord++) {
for (int dist = 0; dist < dg.numDistBins(); dist++) {
Arrays.fill(headScore[dist][hWord][hTag][aWord], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
// score and cache all pairs -- headScores and stops
//int hit = 0;
for (int hWord = 0; hWord < length; hWord++) {
for (int hTag = 0; hTag < numTags; hTag++) {
//Arrays.fill(headStopL[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
//Arrays.fill(headStopR[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
//Arrays.fill(headStop[hWord][hTag], Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
if (!hasTag[hWord][hTag]) {
for (int split = 0; split <= length; split++) {
if (split <= hWord) {
headStop[hWord][hTag][split] = (float) dg.scoreTB(words[hWord], hTag, -2, -2, false, hWord - split);
//System.out.println("headstopL " + hWord +" " + hTag + " " + split + " " + headStopL[hWord][hTag][split]); // debugging
} else {
headStop[hWord][hTag][split] = (float) dg.scoreTB(words[hWord], hTag, -2, -2, true, split - hWord - 1);
//System.out.println("headstopR " + hWord +" " + hTag + " " + split + " " + headStopR[hWord][hTag][split]); // debugging
//Timing.tick("hWord: "+hWord+" hTag: "+hTag+" piddle count: "+hit);
for (int aWord = 0; aWord < length; aWord++) {
if (aWord == hWord) {
continue; // can't be argument of yourself
boolean leftHeaded = hWord < aWord;
int start;
int end;
if (leftHeaded) {
start = hWord + 1;
end = aWord + 1;
} else {
start = aWord + 1;
end = hWord + 1;
for (int aTag = 0; aTag < numTags; aTag++) {
if ( ! hasTag[aWord][aTag]) {
for (int split = start; split < end; split++) {
// Moved this stuff out two loops- GMA
// for (int split = 0; split <= length; split++) {
// if leftHeaded, go from hWord+1 to aWord
// else go from aWord+1 to hWord
// if ((leftHeaded && (split <= hWord || split > aWord)) ||
// ((!leftHeaded) && (split <= aWord || split > hWord)))
// continue;
int headDistance = rawDistance[hWord][split];
int binDist = binDistance[hWord][split];
headScore[binDist][hWord][hTag][aWord][aTag] = (float) dg.scoreTB(words[hWord], hTag, words[aWord], aTag, leftHeaded, headDistance);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Dep score head -> dep: " + wordIndex.get(words[hWord]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(hTag) + "[" + hWord + "] -> " + wordIndex.get(words[aWord]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(aTag) + "[" + aWord + "] split [" + split + "] = " + headScore[binDist][hWord][hTag][aWord][aTag]);
// skip other splits with same binDist
while (split + 1 < end && binDistance[hWord][split + 1] == binDist) {
} // end split
} // end aTag
} // end aWord
} // end hTag
} // end hWord
if (op.testOptions.verbose) {
// displayHeadScores();
System.err.print("Starting insides...");
// do larger spans
for (int diff = 2; diff <= length; diff++) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
if (DEBUG_MORE) System.err.println("SPAN " + diff + ": score = headPrev + argLeft + argRight + dep + argLStop + argRStop");
for (int start = 0; start + diff <= length; start++) {
int end = start + diff;
// left extension
int endHead = end - 1;
for (int endTag = 0; endTag < numTags; endTag++) {
if ( ! hasTag[endHead][endTag]) {
// bestScore is max for iScoreH
float bestScore = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int argHead = start; argHead < endHead; argHead++) {
for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++) {
if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag]) {
float argLeftScore = iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start];
if (argLeftScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
float stopLeftScore = headStop[argHead][argTag][start];
if (stopLeftScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
for (int split = argHead + 1; split < end; split++) {
// short circuit if dependency is impossible
float depScore = headScore[binDistance[endHead][split]][endHead][endTag][argHead][argTag];
if (depScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
float score = iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split] + argLeftScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + depScore + stopLeftScore + headStop[argHead][argTag][split];
System.err.println("Left extend " + wordIndex.get(words[endHead]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(endTag) + "[" + endHead + "] -> " + wordIndex.get(words[argHead]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(argTag) + "[" + argHead + "](" + start + "," + split + ")");
System.err.println(" " + score + " = SUM " + iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split] + " " + argLeftScore + " " + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + " " + depScore + " " + headStop[argHead][argTag][start] + " " + headStop[argHead][argTag][split]);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
} // end for split
// sum for iScoreHSum
if (doiScoreHSum) {
double p = Math.exp(iScoreHSum[endHead][endTag][start]);
for (int split = argHead + 1; split < end; split++) {
p += Math.exp(iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start] +
iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] +
headScore[binDistance[endHead][split]][endHead][endTag][argHead][argTag] +
headStop[argHead][argTag][start] +
iScoreHSum[endHead][endTag][start] = (float)Math.log(p);
} // end for argTag : tags
} // end for argHead
iScoreH[endHead][endTag][start] = bestScore;
} // end for endTag : tags
// right extension
int startHead = start;
for (int startTag = 0; startTag < numTags; startTag++) {
if ( ! hasTag[startHead][startTag]) {
// bestScore is max for iScoreH
float bestScore = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int argHead = start + 1; argHead < end; argHead++) {
for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++) {
if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag]) {
float argRightScore = iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end];
if (argRightScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
float stopRightScore = headStop[argHead][argTag][end];
if (stopRightScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
for (int split = start + 1; split <= argHead; split++) {
// short circuit if dependency is impossible
float depScore = headScore[binDistance[startHead][split]][startHead][startTag][argHead][argTag];
if (depScore == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
float score = iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + argRightScore + depScore + stopRightScore + headStop[argHead][argTag][split];
System.err.println("Right extend " + wordIndex.get(words[startHead]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(startTag) + "[" + startHead + "] -> " + wordIndex.get(words[argHead]) + "/" + tagIndex.get(argTag) + "[" + argHead + "](" + split + "," + end + ")");
System.err.println(" " + score + " = SUM " + iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + " " + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + " " + argRightScore + " " + depScore + " " + headStop[argHead][argTag][end] + " " + headStop[argHead][argTag][split]);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
// sum for iScoreHSum
if (doiScoreHSum) {
double p = Math.exp(iScoreHSum[startHead][startTag][end]);
for (int split = argHead + 1; split < end; split++) {
p += Math.exp(iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] +
iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] +
iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end] +
headScore[binDistance[startHead][split]][startHead][startTag][argHead][argTag] +
headStop[argHead][argTag][end] +
iScoreHSum[startHead][startTag][end] = (float)Math.log(p);
} // end for argTag: tags
} // end for argHead
iScoreH[startHead][startTag][end] = bestScore;
} // end for startTag: tags
} // end for start
} // end for diff (i.e., span)
int goalTag = dg.tagBin(tagIndex.indexOf(Lexicon.BOUNDARY_TAG));
if (op.testOptions.verbose) {
System.err.println("Dep parsing " + length + " words (incl. stop): insideScore " + (iScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][0] + iScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][length]));
if ( ! op.doPCFG) {
return hasParse();
if (op.testOptions.verbose) {
System.err.print("Starting outsides...");
oScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][0] = 0.0f;
oScoreH[length - 1][goalTag][length] = 0.0f;
for (int diff = length; diff > 1; diff--) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
for (int start = 0; start + diff <= length; start++) {
int end = start + diff;
// left half
int endHead = end - 1;
for (int endTag = 0; endTag < numTags; endTag++) {
if (!hasTag[endHead][endTag]) {
for (int argHead = start; argHead < endHead; argHead++) {
for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++) {
if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag]) {
for (int split = argHead; split <= endHead; split++) {
float subScore = (oScoreH[endHead][endTag][start] + headScore[binDistance[endHead][split]][endHead][endTag][argHead][argTag] + headStop[argHead][argTag][start] + headStop[argHead][argTag][split]);
float scoreRight = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]);
float scoreMid = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][start] + iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split]);
float scoreLeft = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + iScoreH[endHead][endTag][split]);
if (scoreRight > oScoreH[endHead][endTag][split]) {
oScoreH[endHead][endTag][split] = scoreRight;
if (scoreMid > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]) {
oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] = scoreMid;
if (scoreLeft > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][start]) {
oScoreH[argHead][argTag][start] = scoreLeft;
// right half
int startHead = start;
for (int startTag = 0; startTag < numTags; startTag++) {
if (!hasTag[startHead][startTag]) {
for (int argHead = startHead + 1; argHead < end; argHead++) {
for (int argTag = 0; argTag < numTags; argTag++) {
if (!hasTag[argHead][argTag]) {
for (int split = startHead + 1; split <= argHead; split++) {
float subScore = (oScoreH[startHead][startTag][end] + headScore[binDistance[startHead][split]][startHead][startTag][argHead][argTag] + headStop[argHead][argTag][split] + headStop[argHead][argTag][end]);
float scoreLeft = (subScore + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end]);
float scoreMid = (subScore + iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][end]);
float scoreRight = (subScore + iScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] + iScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]);
if (scoreLeft > oScoreH[startHead][startTag][split]) {
oScoreH[startHead][startTag][split] = scoreLeft;
if (scoreMid > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split]) {
oScoreH[argHead][argTag][split] = scoreMid;
if (scoreRight > oScoreH[argHead][argTag][end]) {
oScoreH[argHead][argTag][end] = scoreRight;
if (op.testOptions.verbose) {
System.err.print("Starting half-filters...");
for (int loc = 0; loc <= length; loc++) {
for (int head = 0; head < length; head++) {
Arrays.fill(iPossibleByL[loc][head], false);
Arrays.fill(iPossibleByR[loc][head], false);
Arrays.fill(oPossibleByL[loc][head], false);
Arrays.fill(oPossibleByR[loc][head], false);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
for (int head = 0; head < length; head++) {
for (int tag = 0; tag < numTags; tag++) {
if (!hasTag[head][tag]) {