String goalStr = stateIndex.get(goal);
// check tags
if (end - start <= op.testOptions.maxSpanForTags && tagIndex.contains(goalStr)) {
if (op.testOptions.maxSpanForTags > 1) {
Tree wordNode = null;
if (sentence != null) {
StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (sentence.get(i) instanceof HasWord) {
HasWord cl = (HasWord) sentence.get(i);
} else {
wordNode = tf.newLeaf(word.toString());
} else if (lr != null) {
List<LatticeEdge> latticeEdges = lr.getEdgesOverSpan(start, end);
for (LatticeEdge edge : latticeEdges) {
IntTaggedWord itw = new IntTaggedWord(edge.word, stateIndex.get(goal), wordIndex, tagIndex);
float tagScore = (floodTags) ? -1000.0f : lex.score(itw, start, edge.word, null);
if (matches(bestScore, tagScore + (float) edge.weight)) {
wordNode = tf.newLeaf(edge.word);
if(wordNode.label() instanceof CoreLabel) {
CoreLabel cl = (CoreLabel) wordNode.label();
if (wordNode == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("could not find matching word from lattice in parse reconstruction");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("attempt to get word when sentence and lattice are null!");
Tree tagNode = tf.newTreeNode(goalStr, Collections.singletonList(wordNode));
if (originalTags[start] != null) {
return tagNode;
} else { // normal lexicon is single words case
IntTaggedWord tagging = new IntTaggedWord(words[start], tagIndex.indexOf(goalStr));
String contextStr = getCoreLabel(start).originalText();
float tagScore = lex.score(tagging, start, wordIndex.get(words[start]), contextStr);
if (tagScore > Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || floodTags) {
// return a pre-terminal tree
CoreLabel terminalLabel = getCoreLabel(start);
Tree wordNode = tf.newLeaf(terminalLabel);
Tree tagNode = tf.newTreeNode(goalStr, Collections.singletonList(wordNode));
if (terminalLabel.tag() != null) {
if (tagNode.label() instanceof HasTag) {
((HasTag) tagNode.label()).setTag(tagNode.label().value());
return tagNode;
// check binaries first
for (int split = start + 1; split < end; split++) {
for (Iterator<BinaryRule> binaryI = bg.ruleIteratorByParent(goal); binaryI.hasNext(); ) {
BinaryRule br =;
double score = br.score + iScore[start][split][br.leftChild] + iScore[split][end][br.rightChild];
boolean matches;
if (op.testOptions.lengthNormalization) {
double normScore = score / (wordsInSpan[start][split][br.leftChild] + wordsInSpan[split][end][br.rightChild]);
matches = matches(normScore, normBestScore);
} else {
matches = matches(score, bestScore);
if (matches) {
// build binary split
Tree leftChildTree = extractBestParse(br.leftChild, start, split);
Tree rightChildTree = extractBestParse(br.rightChild, split, end);
List<Tree> children = new ArrayList<Tree>();
Tree result = tf.newTreeNode(goalStr, children);
// System.err.println(" Found Binary node: "+result);
return result;
// check unaries
// note that even though we parse with the unary-closed grammar, we can
// extract the best parse with the non-unary-closed grammar, since all
// the intermediate states in the chain must have been built, and hence
// we can exploit the sparser space and reconstruct the full tree as we go.
// for (Iterator<UnaryRule> unaryI = ug.closedRuleIteratorByParent(goal); unaryI.hasNext(); ) {
for (Iterator<UnaryRule> unaryI = ug.ruleIteratorByParent(goal); unaryI.hasNext(); ) {
UnaryRule ur =;
// System.err.println(" Trying " + ur + " dtr score: " + iScore[start][end][ur.child]);
double score = ur.score + iScore[start][end][ur.child];
boolean matches;
if (op.testOptions.lengthNormalization) {
double normScore = score / wordsInSpan[start][end][ur.child];
matches = matches(normScore, normBestScore);
} else {
matches = matches(score, bestScore);
if (ur.child != ur.parent && matches) {
// build unary
Tree childTree = extractBestParse(ur.child, start, end);
Tree result = tf.newTreeNode(goalStr, Collections.singletonList(childTree));
// System.err.println(" Matched! Unary node: "+result);
return result;
System.err.println("Warning: no parse found in ExhaustivePCFGParser.extractBestParse: failing on: [" + start + ", " + end + "] looking for " + goalStr);
return null;