Same TreeNormalizer as BobChrisTreeNormalizer, but optionally provides four extras. I.e., the class name is now a misnomer.
1) retains -TMP labels on NP with the new identification NP-TMP, and provides various options to percolate that option downwards to the head noun, and perhaps also to inherit this from a PP-TMP.
2) Annotates S nodes which contain a gapped subject: i.e.,
S < (/^NP-SBJ/ < -NONE-) --> S-G
3) Leave all functional tags on nodes.
4) Keeps -ADV labels on NP and marks head tag with &`^ADV
Performance note: At one point in time, PCFG labeled F1 results for the various TEMPORAL options in lexparser were: 0=86.7, 1=87.49, 2=86.87, 3=87.49, 4=87.48, 5=87.5, 6=87.07. So, mainly avoid values of 0, 2, and 6.
At another point they were: 0=86.53, 1=87.1, 2=87.14, 3=87.22, 4=87.1, 5=87.13, 6=86.95, 7=87.16
@author Christopher Manning
@author Dan Klein