while (wrapper.peek()) {
Pair<DeepTree, DeepTree> result = wrapper.poll();
DeepTree goldTree = result.first;
DeepTree bestTree = result.second;
StringBuilder treeDebugLine = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(treeDebugLine);
boolean isDone = (Math.abs(bestTree.getScore() - goldTree.getScore()) <= 0.00001 || goldTree.getScore() > bestTree.getScore());
String done = isDone ? "done" : "";
formatter.format("Tree %6d Highest tree: %12.4f Correct tree: %12.4f %s", treeNum, bestTree.getScore(), goldTree.getScore(), done);
if (!isDone){
// if the gold tree is better than the best hypothesis tree by
// a large enough margin, then the score difference will be 0
// and we ignore the tree
double valueDelta = bestTree.getScore() - goldTree.getScore();
//double valueDelta = Math.max(0.0, - scoreGold + bestScore);
localValue += valueDelta;
// get the context words for this tree - should be the same
// for either goldTree or bestTree
List<String> words = getContextWords(goldTree.getTree());
// The derivatives affected by this tree are only based on the
// nodes present in this tree, eg not all matrix derivatives
// will be affected by this tree
backpropDerivative(goldTree.getTree(), words, goldTree.getVectors(),
binaryW_dfsG, unaryW_dfsG,
binaryScoreDerivativesG, unaryScoreDerivativesG,
backpropDerivative(bestTree.getTree(), words, bestTree.getVectors(),
binaryW_dfsB, unaryW_dfsB,
binaryScoreDerivativesB, unaryScoreDerivativesB,