* Checks to see if the given node's field matches the resource
protected boolean evaluate(IndexedWord node) throws Exception {
SsurgeonWordlist wl = Ssurgeon.inst().getResource(resourceID);
if (wl == null) {
throw new Exception("No wordlist resource with ID="+resourceID);
if (type == TYPE.lemma)
return wl.contains(node.lemma().toLowerCase());
if (type == TYPE.current_lasttoken)
// This is done in special case, where tokens are collapsed. Here, we
// take the last token of the current value for the node and compare against
// that.
String[] tokens = node.originalText().split("\\s+");
String lastCurrent = tokens[tokens.length-1].toLowerCase();
return wl.contains(lastCurrent);
else if (type == TYPE.lemma_and_currlast)
// test against both the lemma and the last current token
String[] tokens = node.originalText().split("\\s+");
String lastCurrent = tokens[tokens.length-1].toLowerCase();
return wl.contains(node.lemma().toLowerCase()) || wl.contains(lastCurrent);
else if (type == TYPE.word)
return wl.contains(node.word());
else if (type == TYPE.pos)
return wl.contains(node.tag());
return false;