A serializer using Google's protocol buffer format. The files produced by this serializer, in addition to being language-independent, are a little over 10% the size and 4x faster to read+write versus the default Java serialization (see {@link GenericAnnotationSerializer}), when both files are compressed with gzip.
Note that this handles only a subset of the possible annotations that can be attached to a sentence. Nonetheless, it is guaranteed to be lossless with the default set of named annotators you can create from a {@link StanfordCoreNLP} pipeline, with default properties defined for each annotator.Note that the serializer does not gzip automatically -- this must be done by passing in a GZipOutputStream and calling a GZipInputStream manually. For most Annotations, gzipping provides a notable decrease in size (~2.5x) due to most of the data being raw Strings.
To allow lossy serialization, use {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(boolean)}. Otherwise, an exception is thrown if an unknown key appears in the annotation which would not be saved to th protocol buffer. If such keys exist, and are a part of the standard CoreNLP pipeline, please let us know! If you would like to serialize keys in addition to those serialized by default (e.g., you are attaching your own annotations), then you should do the following:
package edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline; option java_package = "com.example.my.awesome.nlp.app"; option java_outer_classname = "MyAppProtos"; import "CoreNLP.proto"; extend Sentence { optional uint32 myNewField = 101; }
protoc -I=src/edu/stanford/nlp/pipeline/:/path/to/folder/contining/your/proto/file --java_out=/path/to/output/src/folder/ /path/to/proto/file
Extend {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer} to serialize and deserialize your field.Generally, this entail overriding two functions -- one to write the proto and one to read it. In both cases, you usually want to call the superclass' implementation of the function, and add on to it from there. In our running example, adding a field to the {@link CoreNLPProtos.Sentence} proto, you would overwrite:
Note, importantly, that for the serializer to be able to check for lossless serialization, all annotations added to the proto must be registered as added by being removed from the set passed to {@link ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#toProtoBuilder(edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap,java.util.Set)} (and the analogousfunctions for documents and tokens).
Lastly, the new annotations must be registered in the original .proto file; this can be achieved by including a static block in the overwritten class:
static { ExtensionRegistry registry = ExtensionRegistry.newInstance(); registry.add(MyAppProtos.myNewField); CoreNLPProtos.registerAllExtensions(registry); }