// a CC b c ... -> (a CC b) c ...
if (ccIndex == 1 && !(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NP") || ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("ADJP") || ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NNS"))) {// && (ccSiblings.length == ccIndex + 3 || !list.isEmpty())) { // something like "soya or maize oil"
String leftHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
//create a new tree to be inserted as first child of t
Tree left = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(leftHead), null);
for (int i = 0; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
System.out.println("print left tree");
// remove all the children of t before ccIndex+2
for (int i = 0; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
// if stuff after (like "soya or maize oil and vegetables")
// we need to put the tree in another tree
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
boolean comma = false;
int index = list.get(0);
if (VERBOSE) {System.err.println("more CC index " + index);}
if (ccSiblings[index - 1].value().equals(",")) {//to handle the case of a coma ("soya and maize oil, and vegetables")
index = index - 1;
comma = true;
if (VERBOSE) {System.err.println("more CC index " + index);}
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[index - 1]);
Tree tree = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(head), null);
tree.addChild(0, left);
int k = 1;
for(int j = ccIndex+2; j<index; j++) {
if (VERBOSE) ccSiblings[j].pennPrint();
tree.addChild(k, ccSiblings[j]);
if (VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("print t");
System.out.println("print tree");
t.addChild(0, tree);
} else {
t.addChild(0, left);
// DT a CC b c -> DT (a CC b) c
else if (ccIndex == 2 && ccSiblings[0].value().startsWith("DT") && !ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NNS") && (ccSiblings.length == 5 || (!list.isEmpty() && list.get(0) == 5))) {
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
//create a new tree to be inserted as second child of t (after the determiner
Tree child = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(head), null);
for (int i = 1; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
// remove all the children of t between the determiner and ccIndex+2
//System.out.println("print left tree");
for (int i = 1; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
t.addChild(1, child);
// ... a, b CC c ... -> ... (a, b CC c) ...
else if (ccIndex > 2 && ccSiblings[ccIndex - 2].value().equals(",") && !ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals("NNS")) {
String head = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
Tree child = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(head), null);
for (int i = ccIndex - 3; i < ccIndex + 2; i++) {
int i = ccIndex - 4;
while (i > 0 && ccSiblings[i].value().equals(",")) {
child.addChild(0, ccSiblings[i]); // add the comma
child.addChild(0, ccSiblings[i - 1]); // add the word before the comma
i = i - 2;
if (i < 0) {
i = -1;
// remove the old children
for (int j = i + 1; j < ccIndex + 2; j++) {
t.removeChild(i + 1);
// put the new tree
t.addChild(i + 1, child);
// something like "the new phone book and tour guide" -> multiple heads
// we want (NP the new phone book) (CC and) (NP tour guide)
else {
boolean commaLeft = false;
boolean commaRight = false;
boolean preconj = false;
int indexBegin = 0;
Tree conjT = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel("CC"), null);
// create the left tree
String leftHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
Tree left = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(leftHead), null);
// handle the case of a preconjunct (either, both, neither)
Tree first = ccSiblings[0];
String leaf = first.children()[0].value().toLowerCase();
if(leaf.equals("either") || leaf.equals("neither") || leaf.equals("both")) {
preconj = true;
indexBegin = 1;
for (int i = indexBegin; i < ccIndex - 1; i++) {
// handle the case of a comma ("GM soya and maize, and food ingredients")
if (ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1].value().equals(",")) {
commaLeft = true;
} else {
left.addChild(ccSiblings[ccIndex - 1]);
// create the CC tree
Tree cc = ccSiblings[ccIndex];
// create the right tree
int nextCC;
if (list.isEmpty()) {
nextCC = ccSiblings.length;
} else {
nextCC = list.get(0);
String rightHead = getHeadTag(ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
Tree right = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel(rightHead), null);
for (int i = ccIndex + 1; i < nextCC - 1; i++) {
// handle the case of a comma ("GM soya and maize, and food ingredients")
if (ccSiblings[nextCC - 1].value().equals(",")) {
commaRight = true;
} else {
right.addChild(ccSiblings[nextCC - 1]);
// put trees together in old t, first we remove the old nodes
for (int i = 0; i < nextCC; i++) {
if (!list.isEmpty()) { // need an extra level
Tree tree = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new StringLabel("NP"), null);
if(preconj) {
if (commaLeft) {