//System.out.println("n1.outEdges: " + n1.getOutEdges().size());
double avgX, avgY;
int count = 0;
avgX = avgY = 0;
while (gpIter.hasNext()) {
Edge e2 = (Edge) gpIter.next();
Point2D e2Pt = e2.getSecondNode()
//System.out.println("averaging points: " + e2Pt);
avgX += e2Pt.getX();
avgY += e2Pt.getY();
avgX /= count;
avgY /= count;
Vector2D gpVec = new Vector2D(n1Pt, new Point2D.Double(avgX, avgY));
Point2D gpVecNorm = gpVec.getNormalized();
gpVecNorm.setLocation(-1 * gpVecNorm.getX(), -1 * gpVecNorm.getY());
grandParent = new Point2D.Double(n1Pt.getX() + 10
* gpVecNorm.getX(), n1Pt.getY() + 10 * gpVecNorm.getY());
} else {
//System.out.println("n2 is not null");
grandParent = n1.getPrevControlPoint();
//System.out.println("Prev Control Point for " +
// ((FlowNode)n1.getEntity()).toStringId() + " has prev control
// point: " + grandParent);
//System.out.println("grandparent: " + grandParent);
// 2. the parent catmull-rom point is n1, since we want it to
// go through this point
parent = n1.getLocation();
Point2D shiftPoint = null;
// additive edge code
// only shift edges if we are not at the root
// relies on the fact that there only 2 edges per node
if (m_additiveEdges && (n1.getRoutingParent() != null)) {
n2 = n1.getRoutingParent(); //redundant, but who cares
// get the other edge that starts from n1
Edge otherEdgeItem = null;
//System.out.println("n1.getOutEdges().size() " + n1.getOutEdges().size());
for (Edge other: n1.getOutEdges()) {
if ((otherEdgeItem = other) != edge) break;
assert(otherEdgeItem != null);
// find the parent edge from n2 to n1
Edge parentEdgeItem = null;
for (Edge parent: n2.getOutEdges()) {
parentEdgeItem = parent;
if (parentEdgeItem.isIncident(n1) && (parentEdgeItem.isIncident(n2))) {
assert(parentEdgeItem != null);
Node item1;
Node item2;
// get vectors for both edges
item1 = edge.getFirstNode();
item2 = edge.getSecondNode();
Vector2D thisEdgeVec = new Vector2D(item1.getLocation(), item2.getLocation());
item1 = otherEdgeItem.getFirstNode();
item2 = otherEdgeItem.getSecondNode();
Vector2D otherEdgeVec = new Vector2D(item1.getLocation(), item2.getLocation());
// now do the cross product of thisEdgeVec
// do not use Vector3d but own implementation that gets rid of this dependency
// Vector3d thisEdgeVector = new Vector3d(thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(), 0);
// Vector3d otherEdgeVector = new Vector3d(otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(), 0);
// Vector3d result = new Vector3d();
// result.cross(thisEdgeVector, otherEdgeVector);
double[] cross = computeCrossProduct(thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(),
otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY());
//System.out.println("edges: " + parentEdgeItem + ", " + edgeItem + " , " + otherEdgeItem);
// compute the perpendicular vector, the direction to shift
// we will get a vector that points to the right
Vector2D grandToParent = new Vector2D(grandParent, parent);
Point2D shiftDir = new Point2D.Double(-grandToParent.getNormalized().getY(),
// if (result.z < 0) {
if (cross[2] < 0 ) {
// if z > 0 then we know that thisEdge is to the right of otherEdge
// so we push this in the direction of shiftDir
// else we know that thisEdge is to the left of otherEdge
// so we push this up, or in the negative direction of shiftDir
shiftDir.setLocation(shiftDir.getX()*-1, shiftDir.getY()*-1);
double parentWidth = scale.getDisplayWidth(parentEdgeItem.getWeight());
double otherWidth = scale.getDisplayWidth(otherEdgeItem.getWeight());
parentWidth = Math.round(parentWidth);
otherWidth = Math.round(otherWidth);
System.out.println("edges: par: " + parentEdgeItem + ", edge:" + edgeItem + " , other:" + otherEdgeItem);