This class encapsulates a dendrogram view, which is the classic Eisen treeview. It uses a drag grid panel to lay out a bunch of linked visualizations of the data, a la Eisen. In addition to laying out components, it also manages the GlobalZoomMap. This is necessary since both the GTRView (gene tree) and GlobalView need to know where to lay out genes using the same map. The zoom map is managed by the ViewFrame- it represents the selected genes, and potentially forms a link between different views, only one of which is the DendroView. The intention here is that you create this from a model, and never replace that model. If you want to show another file, make another dendroview. All views should of course still listen to the model, since that can still be changed ad libitum.
@author Alok Saldanha
@version $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2009-03-23 02:46:51 $