Package edu.msu.cme.rdp.classifier.train.validation

Examples of edu.msu.cme.rdp.classifier.train.validation.TreeFactory

    public MainMovingWindow(String taxFile, String inFile, String testFile , String outFile, String ecoliFile, int begin, int end, int  min_bootstrap_words) throws IOException{      
        windowFrames = this.getWindowFrame(ecoliFile);
        beginIndex = begin;
        factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(taxFile));           
         // create a tree
        createTree(factory, new File(inFile));                           
        outWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));
        outWriter.write("taxon file: " + taxFile + "\n" + "train sequence file: " + inFile +"\n");       
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    /** Creates a new Classification*/
    public LeaveOneOutTesterMain(String taxFile, String trainseqFile, String testFile, String outFile,
            int numGoodBases, int min_bootstrap_words, boolean hideTaxon) throws IOException {
        boolean useSeed = true// use seed for random word selection

        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(taxFile));
        // create a tree
        createTree(factory, trainseqFile);

        BufferedWriter outWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(testFile));
        LeaveOneOutTester tester = new LeaveOneOutTester(outWriter, numGoodBases);

        outWriter.write("taxon file: " + taxFile + "\n" + "train sequence file: " + trainseqFile + "\n");
        outWriter.write("word size: " + GoodWordIterator.getWordsize() + "\n");
        outWriter.write("minimum number of words for bootstrap: " + min_bootstrap_words + "\n");

        if (numGoodBases > 0) {    // do partial  

            outWriter.write("query sequence file: " + testFile + "\n"
                    + "classify partial sequence, number of good bases=" + numGoodBases + "\n");
        } else {
            outWriter.write("query sequence file: " + testFile + "\n"
                    + "classify full-length sequence \n");

        outWriter.write("test rank: " + factory.getLowestRank());

        tester.classify(factory, parser, useSeed, min_bootstrap_words, hideTaxon);

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     * @param rank
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static Set<String> randomSelectTaxon(File tax_file, File source_file, float fraction, String rank) throws IOException{
        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(tax_file));
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(source_file);
        HashMap<String, HashSet> genusTrainSeqMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet>(); // keep the seqID for each genus

        while ( parser.hasNext() ){
            LineageSequence pSeq =;
            HierarchyTree genusNode = factory.addSequence( pSeq);
            HashSet<String> genusSeqSet = genusTrainSeqMap.get(genusNode.getName());
            if ( genusSeqSet == null){
                genusSeqSet = new HashSet<String>();
                genusTrainSeqMap.put(genusNode.getName(), genusSeqSet);

        // random select nodes at the give rank level
        ArrayList<HierarchyTree> nodeList = new ArrayList<HierarchyTree>();
        factory.getRoot().getNodeList(rank, nodeList);      

        Set<HierarchyTree> selectedNodes = new HashSet<HierarchyTree>();

        int testCount = (int) (((float) nodeList.size()) * fraction);
        while (selectedNodes.size() < testCount){
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    public void calSabSimilarity(String taxonFile, String trainSeqFile, String testSeqFile) throws IOException{       
        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(taxonFile));
        // get the lineage of the trainSeqFile 
        LineageSequenceParser trainParser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(trainSeqFile));
        HashMap<String, List<String>> lineageMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        while (trainParser.hasNext()) {
            LineageSequence seq = (LineageSequence);
            lineageMap.put(seq.getSeqName(), seq.getAncestors());
        NuclSeqMatch sabCal = new NuclSeqMatch(trainSeqFile);
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(testSeqFile));

        int count = 0;
        while (parser.hasNext()) {
            LineageSequence seq = (LineageSequence);
            HashMap<String,HierarchyTree> queryAncestorNodes = getAncestorNodes(factory.getRoot(), seq.getSeqName(), seq.getAncestors());
           TreeSet<KmerMatchCore.BestMatch> matchResults = sabCal.findAllMatches(seq);
            short withinLowestRankSab = -1;
            short diffLowestRankSab = -1
            String bestDiffLowestRankMatch = null;
            for (KmerMatchCore.BestMatch match: matchResults){
                if ( match.getBestMatch().getSeqName().equals(seq.getSeqName())) continue;
                short sab = (short)(Math.round(100*match.getSab()));
                HashMap<String,HierarchyTree> matchAncestorNodes = getAncestorNodes(factory.getRoot(), match.getBestMatch().getSeqName(), lineageMap.get(match.getBestMatch().getSeqName()));
                boolean withinTaxon = false;
                for (int i = ranks.size() -1; i >=0; i--){                   
                    HierarchyTree queryTaxon = queryAncestorNodes.get( ranks.get(i));
                    HierarchyTree matchTaxon = matchAncestorNodes.get( ranks.get(i));
                    if ( queryTaxon != null && matchTaxon != null){
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    public void calPairwiseSimilaritye(String taxonFile, String trainSeqFile, String testSeqFile) throws IOException, OverlapCheckFailedException{       
        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(taxonFile));
        // get the lineage of the trainSeqFile 
        LineageSequenceParser trainParser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(trainSeqFile));
        ArrayList<LineageSequence> trainSeqList = new ArrayList<LineageSequence>();
        while (trainParser.hasNext()) {
            LineageSequence seq = (LineageSequence);
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(testSeqFile));

        while (parser.hasNext()) {
            LineageSequence seq = (LineageSequence);
            HashMap<String,HierarchyTree> queryAncestorNodes = getAncestorNodes(factory.getRoot(), seq.getSeqName(), seq.getAncestors());
            for (LineageSequence trainSeq: trainSeqList){
                if ( trainSeq.getSeqName().equals(seq.getSeqName())) continue;
                HashMap<String,HierarchyTree> matchAncestorNodes = getAncestorNodes(factory.getRoot(), trainSeq.getSeqName(), trainSeq.getAncestors());
                boolean withinTaxon = false;
                String lowestCommonRank = null;
                for (int i = ranks.size() -1; i >=0; i--){                   
                    HierarchyTree queryTaxon = queryAncestorNodes.get( ranks.get(i));
                    HierarchyTree matchTaxon = matchAncestorNodes.get( ranks.get(i));
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            selectedTestSeqIDs = ResampleSeqFile.randomSelectSeq(source_file, fraction);
        }else {
            selectedTestSeqIDs = RdmSelectTaxon.randomSelectTaxon(tax_file, source_file, fraction, rdmSelectedRank);
        TreeFactory factory = setup(tax_file, source_file, selectedTestSeqIDs );
        DecisionMaker dm = new DecisionMaker(factory);
         // get all the genus node list
        HashMap<String, HierarchyTree> genusNodeMap = new HashMap<String, HierarchyTree>();
        factory.getRoot().getNodeMap(Taxonomy.GENUS, genusNodeMap);
        if (genusNodeMap.isEmpty()) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nThere is no node in GENUS level!");
        HashMap<String,HashSet> rankNodeMap = new HashMap<String,HashSet>();
        for (String rank: factory.getRankSet()){
            ArrayList<HierarchyTree> nodeList = new ArrayList<HierarchyTree>();
            factory.getRoot().getNodeList(rank, nodeList);
            HashSet<String> nodeNameSet = getnodeNameSet(nodeList);
            rankNodeMap.put(rank, nodeNameSet);

        ArrayList<HashMap> statusCountList = new ArrayList<HashMap>();
        // initialize a list of statusCount, one for each bootstrap from 0 to 100
        for ( int b = 0; b <= 100; b++){
             HashMap<String, StatusCount> statusCountMap = new HashMap<String, StatusCount>();
             for (String rank: factory.getRankSet()){
                 statusCountMap.put(rank, new StatusCount());

        int totalTest = 0;
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     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private TreeFactory setup(File tax_file, File source_file, Set<String> selectedTestSeqIDs) throws IOException {

        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(tax_file));
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(source_file);

        while ( parser.hasNext() ){
            LineageSequence pSeq =;
            if ( !selectedTestSeqIDs.contains(pSeq.getSeqName())){
              factory.addSequence( pSeq);

        //after all the training set is being parsed, calculate the prior probability for all the words.
        return factory;
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        if ( index != -1){
            trainsetName = trainsetName.substring(0, index);
        // need to use ISO encoding for UNITE
        FileReader tax  = new FileReader(new File(taxFile));
        TreeFactory factory = new TreeFactory(tax);
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(seqFile));
        LineageSequence seq;
        HashMap<String, String> seqMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // seqID, desc
        while ( parser.hasNext()){
            seq =;
            factory.addSequence(seq, false); // donot check the kmers
            if ( seq.getSeqName().contains("|S00") ){ // rdpID
                String[] values = seq.getSeqName().split("\\|");
                seqMap.put(values[0], seq.getDesc());  
            }else if (seq.getSeqName().contains("|SH") ){  // if it's seq from UNITE, we need to do something with the seqID            
                String[] values = seq.getSeqName().split("\\|");
                seqMap.put(values[1], seq.getDesc());
            }else {
                seqMap.put(seq.getSeqName(), seq.getDesc());
        HierarchyTreeExtend retVal = new HierarchyTreeExtend(factory.getRoot(), trainsetName);
        retVal.seqMap = seqMap;
        return retVal;
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    public PairwiseSeqDistance(String trainseqFile, String taxFile, AlignmentMode mode, boolean show_alignment ) throws IOException, OverlapCheckFailedException{
        this.mode = mode;
        this.show_alignment = show_alignment;
        factory = new TreeFactory(new FileReader(taxFile));
        LineageSequenceParser parser = new LineageSequenceParser(new File(trainseqFile));
        while (parser.hasNext()) {
            LineageSequence tmp = (LineageSequence);
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Related Classes of edu.msu.cme.rdp.classifier.train.validation.TreeFactory

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