Package edu.brown.markov

Examples of edu.brown.markov.MarkovEdge

        assert(markov != null);
        MarkovVertex current = state.getCurrent();
        PartitionSet touchedPartitions = state.getTouchedPartitions();
        MarkovVertex next_v = null;
        MarkovEdge next_e = null;
        Statement last_stmt = null;
        int stmt_idxs[] = null;

        // We can cache what the path is based on the first and last query in the batch
        // We only want to do this for batches that are large enough.
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                if (this.profiler != null) this.profiler.finish_time.appendTime(timestamp);
            // If no edge exists to the next vertex, then we need to create one
            MarkovEdge next_e = null;
            synchronized (next_v) {
                next_e = markov.addToEdge(current, next_v);
            } // SYNCH
            state.setCurrent(next_v, next_e); // For post-txn processing...
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        // and see which vertex we are going to move to next
        PartitionSet touchedPartitions = state.getTouchedPartitions();
        MarkovVertex current = state.getCurrent();
        assert(current != null);
        MarkovVertex next_v = null;
        MarkovEdge next_e = null;
        // Synchronize on the single vertex so that it's more fine-grained than the entire graph
        synchronized (current) {
            Collection<MarkovEdge> edges = markov.getOutEdges(current);
            if (edges != null) {
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                                  cur_catalog_stmt.fullName(), cur_catalog_stmt_index);
            // Check whether it's COMMIT/ABORT
            if (next.isCommitVertex() || next.isAbortVertex()) {
                MarkovEdge candidate = markov.findEdge(element, next);
                assert(candidate != null);
            } else {
        } // FOR

        // Now for the unique set of Statement+StatementIndex pairs, figure out which partitions
        // the queries will go to.
        MarkovEdge candidate_edge;
        for (CountedStatement cstmt : this.next_statements) {
            Statement catalog_stmt = cstmt.statement;
            Integer catalog_stmt_index = cstmt.counter;
            if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Examining " + cstmt);
            // Get the mapping objects (if any) for next
            // This is the only way we can predict what partitions we will touch
            Map<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> stmtMappings = this.allMappings.get(catalog_stmt, catalog_stmt_index);
            if (stmtMappings == null) {
                if (debug.val) {
                    LOG.warn("No parameter mappings for " + catalog_stmt);
                    if (trace.val) LOG.trace(this.allMappings.debug(catalog_stmt));
            // Go through the StmtParameters and map values from ProcParameters
            StmtParameter stmt_params[] = catalog_stmt.getParameters().values();
            Object stmt_args[] = new Object[stmt_params.length]; // this.getStatementParamsArray(catalog_stmt);
            boolean stmt_args_set = false;
            // XXX: This method may return null because it's being used for other
            // purposes in the BatchPlanner.
            int stmt_args_offsets[] = this.p_estimator.getStatementEstimationParameters(catalog_stmt);
            if (stmt_args_offsets == null) {
                stmt_args_offsets = new int[stmt_args.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < stmt_args.length; i++)
                    stmt_args_offsets[i] = i;
            assert(stmt_args_offsets != null) :
                "Unexpected null StmtParameter offsets for " + catalog_stmt.fullName();
            for (int offset : stmt_args_offsets) {
                StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param = stmt_params[offset];
                assert(catalog_stmt_param != null);
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace("Retrieving ParameterMappings for " + catalog_stmt_param.fullName());
                Collection<ParameterMapping> mappings = stmtMappings.get(catalog_stmt_param);
                if (mappings == null || mappings.isEmpty()) {
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace("No parameter mappings exists for " + catalog_stmt_param.fullName());
                if (debug.val)
                    LOG.debug("Found " + mappings.size() + " mapping(s) for " + catalog_stmt_param.fullName());
                // Special Case:
                // If the number of possible Statements we could execute next is greater than one,
                // then we need to prune our list by removing those Statements who have a StmtParameter
                // that are correlated to a ProcParameter that doesn't exist (such as referencing an
                // array element that is greater than the size of that current array)
                // TODO: For now we are just going always pick the first mapping
                // that comes back. Is there any choice that we would need to make in order
                // to have a better prediction about what the transaction might do?
                if (debug.val && mappings.size() > 1) {
                    LOG.warn("Multiple parameter mappings for " + catalog_stmt_param.fullName());
                    if (trace.val) {
                        int ctr = 0;
                        for (ParameterMapping m : mappings) {
                            LOG.trace("[" + (ctr++) + "] Mapping: " + m);
                        } // FOR
                for (ParameterMapping m : mappings) {
                    if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Mapping: " + m);
                    ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = m.getProcParameter();
                    if (catalog_proc_param.getIsarray()) {
                        Object proc_inner_args[] = (Object[])procParams[m.getProcParameter().getIndex()];
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace(CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(m.getProcParameter(), true) + " is an array: " +
                        // TODO: If this Mapping references an array element that is not available for this
                        // current transaction, should we just skip this mapping or skip the entire query?
                        if (proc_inner_args.length <= m.getProcParameterIndex()) {
                            if (trace.val)
                                LOG.trace("Unable to map parameters: " +
                                          "proc_inner_args.length[" + proc_inner_args.length + "] <= " +
                                          "c.getProcParameterIndex[" + m.getProcParameterIndex() + "]");
                        stmt_args[offset] = proc_inner_args[m.getProcParameterIndex()];
                        stmt_args_set = true;
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace("Mapped " + CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(m.getProcParameter()) + "[" + m.getProcParameterIndex() + "] to " +
                                      CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(catalog_stmt_param) + " [value=" + stmt_args[offset] + "]");
                    } else {
                        stmt_args[offset] = procParams[m.getProcParameter().getIndex()];
                        stmt_args_set = true;
                        if (trace.val)
                            LOG.trace("Mapped " + CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(m.getProcParameter()) + " to " +
                                      CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(catalog_stmt_param) + " [value=" + stmt_args[offset] + "]");
                } // FOR (Mapping)
            } // FOR (StmtParameter)
            // If we set any of the stmt_args in the previous step, then we can throw it
            // to our good old friend the PartitionEstimator and see whether we can figure
            // things out for this Statement
            if (stmt_args_set) {
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace("Mapped StmtParameters: " + Arrays.toString(stmt_args));
                try {
                    this.p_estimator.getAllPartitions(this.stmt_partitions, catalog_stmt, stmt_args, this.base_partition);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    String msg = "Failed to calculate partitions for " + catalog_stmt + " using parameters " + Arrays.toString(stmt_args);
                    LOG.error(msg, ex);
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace("Estimated Partitions for " + catalog_stmt + ": " + this.stmt_partitions);
                // Now for this given list of partitions, find a Vertex in our next set
                // that has the same partitions
                if (this.stmt_partitions.isEmpty() == false) {
                    candidate_edge = null;
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace("Partitions:" + this.stmt_partitions + " / Past:" + this.past_partitions);
                    for (MarkovVertex next_v : next_vertices) {
                        if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Checking whether " + next_v + " is the correct transition");
                        if (next_v.isEqual(catalog_stmt, this.stmt_partitions, this.past_partitions, catalog_stmt_index, true)) {
                            // BINGO!!!
                            assert(candidate_edge == null);
                            try {
                                candidate_edge = markov.findEdge(element, next_v);
                            } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                            assert(candidate_edge != null);
                            if (trace.val)
                                LOG.trace("Found candidate edge to " + next_v + " [" + candidate_edge + "]");
                        } else if (trace.val) {
                            Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                            m.put("stmt", next_v.getCatalogItem().equals(catalog_stmt));
                            m.put("stmtCtr", next_v.getQueryCounter() == catalog_stmt_index);
                            m.put("partitions", next_v.getPartitions().equals(this.stmt_partitions));
                            m.put("past", next_v.getPastPartitions().equals(this.past_partitions));
                            LOG.trace("Invalid candidate transition:\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(m));
                    } // FOR (Vertex
                    if (trace.val && candidate_edge == null)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("Failed to find candidate edge from %s to %s [partitions=%s]",
                                  element, catalog_stmt.fullName(), this.stmt_partitions));
            // Without any stmt_args, there's nothing we can do here...
            else if (trace.val) {
                LOG.trace("No stmt_args for " + catalog_stmt + ". Skipping...");
            } // IF
        } // FOR
        // If we don't have any candidate edges and the FORCE TRAVERSAL flag is set, then we'll just
        // grab all of the edges from our current vertex
        int num_candidates = this.candidate_edges.size();
        boolean was_forced = false;
        if (num_candidates == 0 && this.force_traversal) {
            if (debug.val)
                LOG.debug(String.format("No candidate edges were found. " +
                      "Checking whether we can create our own. [nextStatements=%s]",
            // We're allow to create the vertices that we know are missing
            if (this.learning_enabled && this.next_statements.size() == 1) {
                CountedStatement cntStmt = CollectionUtil.first(this.next_statements);
                MarkovVertex v = new MarkovVertex(cntStmt.statement,
                // For now we'll set the new edge's probability to 1.0 to just
                // make the calculations down below work. This will get updated
                // overtime when we recompute the probabilities in the entire graph.
                candidate_edge = new MarkovEdge(markov, 1, 1.0f);
                markov.addEdge(candidate_edge, element, v, EdgeType.DIRECTED);
                if (this.created_vertices == null) this.created_vertices = new HashSet<MarkovVertex>();
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace(String.format("Created new vertex %s and connected it to %s", v, element));
                // 2012-10-21
                // The problem with allowing the estimator to create a new vertex is that
                // we don't know what it's children are going to be. That means that when
                // we invoke this method again at the next vertex (the one we just made above)
                // then it's not going to have any children, so we don't know what it's
                // going to do. We are actually better off with just grabbing the next best
                // vertex from the existing edges and then updating the graph after
                // the txn has finished, since now we know exactly what it did.
            // Otherwise we'll just make all of the outbound edges from the
            // current vertex be our candidates
            else {
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace("No candidate edges were found. Force travesal flag is set to true, so taking all");
                Collection<MarkovEdge> out_edges = markov.getOutEdges(element);
                if (out_edges != null) this.candidate_edges.addAll(out_edges);
            num_candidates = this.candidate_edges.size();
            was_forced = true;
        // So now we have our list of candidate edges. We can pick the first one
        // since they will be sorted by their probability
        if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Candidate Edges: " + this.candidate_edges);
        if (num_candidates > 0) {
            MarkovEdge next_edge = CollectionUtil.first(this.candidate_edges);
            assert(next_edge != null) : "Unexpected null edge " + this.candidate_edges;
            MarkovVertex next_vertex = markov.getOpposite(element, next_edge);
            if (was_forced) {
                if (this.forced_vertices == null) this.forced_vertices = new HashSet<MarkovVertex>();

            if (debug.val) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(String.format("#%02d CANDIDATES:\n", this.getDepth()));
                int i = 0;
                for (MarkovEdge e : this.candidate_edges) {
                    MarkovVertex v = markov.getOpposite(element, e);
                    sb.append(String.format("  [%d] %s  --[%s]--> %s%s%s",
                              i++, element, e, v,
                              (next_vertex.equals(v) ? " <== SELECTED" : ""),
                              (trace.val && this.candidate_edges.size() > 1 ? "\n"+StringUtil.addSpacers(v.debug()) : "")));
                } // FOR
            } // DEBUG
            // If there was only one next Statement that we could possibly execute here,
            // and if our ParameterMappings allowed us to know exactly what path we took,
            // then we don't need to compute the confidence based on the candidate edges.
            // We know that our confidence here is one!
            if (was_forced == false && this.next_statements.size() == 1 && num_candidates == 1) {
                // Nothing to do!
            // Otherwise, our confidence is based on the total sum of the probabilities for all of the
            // edges that we could have taken in comparison to the one that we did take.
            else {
                double total_probability = 0.0;
                for (MarkovEdge e : this.candidate_edges) {
                    total_probability += e.getProbability();
                } // FOR
                this.estimate.confidence *= next_edge.getProbability() / total_probability;
                if (debug.val) LOG.debug("TOTAL:    " + total_probability);
            // Update our list of partitions touched by this transaction
            MarkovPathEstimator.populateProbabilities(this.estimate, next_vertex);
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Related Classes of edu.brown.markov.MarkovEdge

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