total_interval_queries[i] += (txn_trace.getQueryCount() * txn_weight);
histogram_procs.put(proc_key, txn_weight);
try {
singlesited_cost_model.estimateTransactionCost(catalogContext, workload, filter, txn_trace);
TransactionCacheEntry txn_entry = singlesited_cost_model.getTransactionCacheEntry(txn_trace);
assert (txn_entry != null) : "No txn entry for " + txn_trace;
Collection<Integer> partitions = txn_entry.getTouchedPartitions();
// If the txn runs on only one partition, then the cost is
// nothing
if (txn_entry.isSinglePartitioned()) {
singlepartition_ctrs[i] += txn_weight;
if (!partitions.isEmpty()) {
assert (txn_entry.getAllTouchedPartitionsHistogram().getValueCount() == 1) : txn_entry + " says it was single-partitioned but the partition count says otherwise:\n"
+ txn_entry.debug();
singlepartition_with_partitions_ctrs[i] += txn_weight;
histogram_sp_procs.put(proc_key, txn_weight);
// If the txn runs on multiple partitions, then the cost
// is...
// XXX 2010-06-28: The number of partitions that the txn
// touches divided by the total number of partitions
// XXX 2010-07-02: The histogram for the total number of
// partitions touched by all of the queries
// in the transaction. This ensures that txns with just one
// multi-partition query
// isn't weighted the same as a txn with many
// multi-partition queries
} else {
assert (!partitions.isEmpty()) : "No touched partitions for " + txn_trace;
if (partitions.size() == 1 && txn_entry.getExecutionPartition() != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) {
assert (CollectionUtil.first(partitions) != txn_entry.getExecutionPartition()) : txn_entry.debug();
exec_mismatch_ctrs[i] += txn_weight;
partitions_touched[i] += txn_weight;
} else {
assert (partitions.size() > 1) : String.format("%s is not marked as single-partition but it only touches one partition\n%s", txn_trace, txn_entry.debug());
partitions_touched[i] += (partitions.size() * txn_weight); // Txns
multipartition_ctrs[i] += txn_weight;
histogram_mp_procs.put(proc_key, txn_weight);
Integer base_partition = txn_entry.getExecutionPartition();
if (base_partition != null) {
exec_histogram[i].put(base_partition, txn_weight);
} else {
exec_histogram[i].put(all_partitions, txn_weight);
if (debug.val) { // &&
// txn_trace.getCatalogItemName().equalsIgnoreCase("DeleteCallForwarding"))
// {
Procedure catalog_proc = txn_trace.getCatalogItem(catalogContext.database);
Map<String, Object> inner = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_proc.getStatements()) {
inner.put(catalog_stmt.fullName(), CatalogUtil.getReferencedTables(catalog_stmt));
Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
m.put(txn_trace.toString(), null);
m.put("Interval", i);
m.put("Single-Partition", txn_entry.isSinglePartitioned());
m.put("Base Partition", base_partition);
m.put("Touched Partitions", partitions);
m.put(catalog_proc.fullName(), inner);
// We need to keep a count of the number txns that didn't have
// all of its queries estimated
// completely so that we can update the access histograms down
// below for entropy calculations
// Note that this is at the txn level, not the query level.
if (!txn_entry.isComplete()) {
incomplete_txn_ctrs[i] += txn_weight;
// Update the histogram for this interval to keep track of
// how many times we need to
// increase the partition access histogram
incomplete_txn_histogram[i].put(tmp_missingPartitions, txn_weight);
if (trace.val) {
Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
m.put(String.format("Marking %s as incomplete in interval #%d", txn_trace, i), null);
m.put("Examined Queries", txn_entry.getExaminedQueryCount());
m.put("Total Queries", txn_entry.getTotalQueryCount());
m.put("Touched Partitions", txn_entry.getTouchedPartitions());
m.put("Missing Partitions", tmp_missingPartitions);
} catch (Exception ex) {