public static void analyzeFolders(Repository repository, List<Folder> list, AlbumDataConfirmInteraction confirmInteraction) {
int s;
Component c;
NfoLyzer nfoLyzer = new NfoLyzer();
for (Folder f : list) { // for all folders,
s = f.size();
NfoLyzeResult result = new NfoLyzeResult(f); // one nfo result per folder...
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { // iterate files,
c = f.get(i);
if (c instanceof NfoFile) { // find nfos
try {
if (!nfoLyzer.parseNfo(result, (NfoFile) c)) {
System.out.println("No parser for " + c.pathString() + ", trying next nfo.");
} else {
// parse success => validate, create & save album data
// set repository object candidates and the status of all index fields
assignMatchStati(result, repository); // find known or similar entries & set stati accordingly