Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)
} else if (methodName.equals("replace") && numArgs == 2 &&
isCharSequence(target.getParameterType(0)) &&
isCharSequence(target.getParameterType(1))) {
String arg1 = trackString(expr.getArg(0));
String arg2 = trackString(expr.getArg(1));
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
// if either argument is unknown, give up. [TODO make this better]
if (arg1 == null || arg2 == null) {
factory.addStatement(new StringInit(result, Basic.makeAnyString()));
return result;
Replace6 rep = new Replace6(arg1, arg2);
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, rep));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.trim()
} else if (methodName.equals("trim") && numArgs == 0) {
UnaryOperation op = new Trim();
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.substring(int) [this method returns a suffix of the string, starting at the specified index]
} else if (methodName.equals("substring") && numArgs == 1) {
UnaryOperation op = new Postfix();
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.substring(int,int)
} else if (methodName.equals("substring") && numArgs == 2) {
UnaryOperation op;
Integer arg1 = trackInteger(expr.getArg(0));
if (arg1 != null && arg1.intValue() == 0) {
op = new Prefix();
} else {
op = new Substring();
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.toLowerCase()
} else if (methodName.equals("toLowerCase") && numArgs == 0) {
UnaryOperation op = new ToLowerCase();
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.toUpperCase()
} else if (methodName.equals("toUpperCase") && numArgs == 0) {
UnaryOperation op = new ToUpperCase();
Variable temp = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRINGBUFFER);
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferInit(temp, callee));
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(temp, op));
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, temp));
return result;
// String.split(String)
} else if (methodName.equals("split") && numArgs == 1) {
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.ARRAY);
factory.addStatement(new BasicUnaryOp(result, callee, new Split()));
return result;
// String.charAt(int)
} else if (methodName.equals("charAt") && numArgs == 1) {
UnaryOperation op;
Integer arg = trackInteger(expr.getArg(0));
if (arg != null) {
op = new CharAt1(arg);
} else {
op = new CharAt2();
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.PRIMITIVE);
factory.addStatement(new BasicUnaryOp(result, callee, op));
return result;
// String.contains(CharSequence)
} else if (methodName.equals("contains") && numArgs == 1) {
// this is experimental stuff. it is working, but probably not that useful
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.PRIMITIVE);
factory.addStatement(new BasicBinaryOp(result, callee, arguments.get(0), new Contains()));
return result;
// String.contentEquals(CharSequence) and String.contentEquals(StringBuffer)
} else if (methodName.equals("contentEquals") && numArgs == 1) {
// we can't say anything meaningful except the argument is NOT corrupted
// (the argument will be considered corrupted if we do not handle it here)
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.PRIMITIVE);
factory.addStatement(new PrimitiveInit(result, Basic.getBinaryBooleans()));
return result;
// String.toCharArray()
else if (methodName.equals("toCharArray") && numArgs == 0) {
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.ARRAY);
factory.addStatement(new ArrayNew(result));
Variable charAt = factory.createVariable(VariableType.PRIMITIVE);
factory.addStatement(new BasicUnaryOp(charAt, callee, new CharAt2()));
factory.addStatement(new ArrayWriteElement(result, charAt));
return result;
return null;
else if (isBufferOrBuilder(declaringClass)) {
if (methodName.equals("toString") && numArgs == 0) {
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, callee));
return result;
// StringBuffer.append(<any type>)
else if (methodName.equals("append") && numArgs == 1) {
Variable rvar = valueOf(expr.getArgBox(0), arguments.get(0), 10, target.getParameterType(0), factory);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferAppend(callee, rvar));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.insert(int, <any type>)
else if (methodName.equals("insert") && numArgs == 2 &&
isInt(target.getParameterType(0))) {
Integer pos = trackInteger(expr.getArg(0));
Variable rvar = valueOf(expr.getArgBox(1), arguments.get(1), 10, target.getParameterType(0), factory);
if (pos != null && pos.intValue() == 0) {
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferPrepend(callee, rvar));
} else {
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferBinaryOp(callee, new Insert(), rvar));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.delete(int,int)
else if (methodName.equals("delete") && numArgs == 2) {
UnaryOperation op = new Delete();
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.deleteCharAt(int)
else if (methodName.equals("deleteCharAt") && numArgs == 1) {
UnaryOperation op = new DeleteCharAt();
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.replace(int start, int end, String replacement)
else if (methodName.equals("replace") && numArgs == 3) {
BinaryOperation op = new Replace5();
Variable rvar = valueOf(expr.getArgBox(2), arguments.get(2), 10, target.getParameterType(2), factory);
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferBinaryOp(callee, op, rvar));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.reverse()
else if (methodName.equals("reverse") && numArgs == 0) {
UnaryOperation op = new Reverse();
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
return callee;
// StringBuffer.setCharAt(int, char) [NOTE: This method returns void]
else if (methodName.equals("setCharAt") && numArgs == 2) {
Integer c = trackInteger(expr.getArg(1));
if (c == null) {
UnaryOperation op = new SetCharAt2();
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
} else {
UnaryOperation op = new SetCharAt1((char) c.intValue());
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
return factory.getNothing();
// StringBuffer.setLength(int) [NOTE: This method returns void]
else if (methodName.equals("setLength") && numArgs == 1) {
UnaryOperation op = new SetLength();
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(callee, op));
return factory.getNothing();// returns void
// StringBuffer.substring(int) [NOTE: Returns a string]
else if (methodName.equals("substring") && numArgs == 1) {
UnaryOperation op = new Postfix();
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
// clone the stringbuffer
Variable clone = makeStringBufferClone(callee, factory);
// perform the substring operation on the clone
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(clone, op));
// now put the clone's value back into the result variable
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, clone));
return result;
// StringBuffer.substring(int,int) [NOTE: Returns a string]
else if (methodName.equals("substring") && numArgs == 2) {
UnaryOperation op;
Integer arg1 = trackInteger(expr.getArg(0));
if (arg1 != null && arg1.intValue() == 0) {
op = new Prefix();
} else {
op = new Substring();
Variable result = factory.createVariable(VariableType.STRING);
// clone the stringbuffer
Variable clone = makeStringBufferClone(callee, factory);
// perform the substring operation on the clone
factory.addStatement(new StringBufferUnaryOp(clone, op));
// now put the clone's value back into the result variable
factory.addStatement(new StringFromStringBuffer(result, clone));
return result;
else if ( {