else {
//the results of the "AND 1=1" do NOT match the original query, for whatever reason (no sql injection, or the web page is not stable)
if (this.debugEnabled) {
log.debug("Check 2, " + (strippedOutput[booleanStrippedUnstrippedIndex] ? "STRIPPED" : "UNSTRIPPED") + " html output for AND condition [" + sqlBooleanAndTrueValue + "] does NOT match the (refreshed) original results for " + refreshedmessage.getRequestHeader().getURI());
Patch diffpatch = DiffUtils.diff(
new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(normalBodyOutput[booleanStrippedUnstrippedIndex].split("\\n"))),
new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(andTrueBodyOutput[booleanStrippedUnstrippedIndex].split("\\n"))));
//int numberofDifferences = diffpatch.getDeltas().size();
//and convert the list of patches to a String, joining using a newline
StringBuilder tempDiff = new StringBuilder(250);
for (Delta delta : diffpatch.getDeltas()) {
String changeType = null;
if (delta.getType() == Delta.TYPE.CHANGE) {
changeType = "Changed Text";
} else if (delta.getType() == Delta.TYPE.DELETE) {
changeType = "Deleted Text";