
Examples of$FullPeakRMSDecimator

    channelOffset = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < doc.getActiveTransmitters().size(); i++ ) {
      final Transmitter t = (Transmitter) doc.getActiveTransmitters().get( i );
      final AudioTrail at = t.getAudioTrail();
      final DecimatedWaveTrail dt = t.getDecimatedWaveTrail();
      if( dt == null ) continue;
      info = dt.getBestSubsample( new Span( viewSpan.start, viewSpan.stop + 1 ), w );
//      fullChannels = at.getChannelNum(); // XXX dirty shit
      dt.drawWaveform( info, this, g2 );
      if( nullLinie ) {
        g2.setPaint( pntNull );
        g2.setStroke( strkNull );
        for( int ch = 0; ch < fullChannels; ch++ ) {
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        float[][]        frames  = null;
        float[]          x, y;
        GeneralPath        path  = null;
    DecimationInfo      info;
//    AudioTrail        at;
    DecimatedWaveTrail    dwt;     
    float          lx, ly;
    List          collTrns;
    try {
      doc.bird.waitShared( Session.DOOR_TIMETRNSMTE | Session.DOOR_GRP );
      span = doc.timeline.getSelectionSpan();
      if( span.getLength() < 2 ) return;

      collTrns  = doc.getActiveTransmitters().getAll();
      collTrns.retainAll( doc.getSelectedTransmitters().getAll() );
      for( int i = 0; i < collTrns.size(); i++ ) {
        trns  = (Transmitter) collTrns.get( i );
//        at    = trns.getTrackEditor();
        dwt    = trns.getDecimatedWaveTrail();
        // performance measures show that this routine is
        // vey fast, like one or two millisecs, while the draw method
        // of the Graphics2D called in redrawImage() becomes hell
        // slow if the GeneralPath contains more than say 250 lines.
        // therefore we start with a fairly big subsample to get a
        // good resolution; however in the path creation loop, points
        // are skipped if they lie very close to each other. therefore,
        // right after the creation of the path we know how many lines
        // it actually contains, and if these exceed 256 we'll restart
        // with a smaller subsample.
        for( reqLen = 1024, pathLen = 257, len = -1; pathLen > 256; reqLen >>= 1 ) {
          info  = dwt.getBestSubsample( span, reqLen );
          lastLen = len;
          len    = (int) info.sublength;
          if( lastLen == len ) continue;

          if( frames == null || frames[0].length < len ) {
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