One or more Styles and StyleMaps can be defined to customize the appearance of any element derived from Feature or of the Geometry in a Placemark. (See , , , and the styles derived from .) A style defined within a Feature is called an "inline style" and applies only to the Feature that contains it. A style defined as the child of a is called a "shared style." A shared style must have an id defined for it. This id is referenced by one or more Features within the . In cases where a style element is defined both in a shared style and in an inline style for a Feature—that is, a Folder, GroundOverlay, NetworkLink, Placemark, or ScreenOverlay—the value for the Feature's inline style takes precedence over the value for the shared style.
Syntax: <!-- abstract element; do not create --> <!-- StyleSelector id="ID" --> <!-- Style,StyleMap --> <!-- /StyleSelector -->
@see :