wraps a wga content store to use it as hierarchical database simplifies creating content documents for data storage use creation of ContentTypes, Languages, Areas is encapsulated WGHierarchicalDatabase automatical create the following areas: - HDB-Content (used for content) - HDB-System (used for meta information about the db) WGHierarchicalDatabase automatical create the following content types: - HDB-ContentType with outer-layout HDB-Layout The hdb structure contains WGContents. Each WGContent is of type HDB-ContentType and created in the default language of the database. All neccessary WGStructEntries are handled and created by the hdb automatically. A WGContent in the hdb can either be used as a storage or as a content. A storage has a special struct-entry which is by default write/edit-protected with the role ($HDBAdmin). Therefore normal users cannot delete a whole hdb structure. A storage contains contents and might contains substorages. When a storage is created the user should give an id for it. This id is used to create a unique id for the storage, based on the hierarchical storage structure. The unique id of a storage contains all parent storage ids concated by "." for e.g.: storageA |- storageB |- storageC unique id of A is: "storageA" unique id of B is: "storageA.storageB" unique id of C is: "storageA.storageB.storageC" The unique id of a storage is set as unique name for the WGContent object, so the unique storage id can be used directly for e.g. in context expressions. A startup script can be defined with the publisher option "de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore.DBATTRIB_HDBInit" This can be either a class name of a class which implements {@link de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGHierarchicalDatabaseStartup} or a name of a tmlsscript module within this db. The startup script is executed when an hdb instance gets connected. It can be used to create storages and define the initial db-structure.