public void createNonBufferingReasoner(OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasonerConfiguration conf) throws IllegalConfigurationException {
if( this.registry == null )
throw new LoadException( "No registry defined." );
// load only into those reasoners, which are currently idle and have not loaded an ontology yet
Set<ReasonerAdapter> reasoners = registry.getAsSet( true, false );
this.paralleliser.setReasoners( reasoners );
// setProgressor();
// this.progressor.setReasoners( reasoners );
// this.progressor.setReasonerProgressMonitor(this.monitor);
Class<?> paramTypes = new Class<?>;
Object params = new Object;
int index = 0;
for(OWLOntology ont: ontologies){
params[index] = ont;
paramTypes[index++] = OWLOntology.class;
Class<?>[] paramTypes = { OWLOntology.class , OWLReasonerConfiguration.class};
Object[] params = { ontology, conf };
Query query;
try {
query = QueryFactory.getQuery( "createNonBufferingReasoner", paramTypes, params );
logger.info( "Executing " + query.getTask() + " ..." );
try {
// this.progressor.showProgress();
// if some reasoners were unable to load the ontologies, they are not marked as laden
// this exception is thrown if no reasoner succeeds
} catch( HeraklesException e ) {
throw new LoadException( "No registered reasoner could load ontologies." );
this.loadedOntology = ontology;
} catch( IllegalArgumentException e1 ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block