* @return the resource assignment service
private ResourceAssignmentService getRas ()
throws RemoteException {
if (rasCache == null && !rasNotConfigured) {
ResourceAssignmentServiceFactory rasf = null;
try {
rasf = ResourceAssignmentServiceFactory.newInstance();
} catch (de.danet.an.workflow.spis.ras.FactoryConfigurationError
rae) {
logger.warn ("No resource assignment service configured. "
+ "This may be ignored if done intentionally ("
+ "message from factory: " + rae.getMessage() + ").");
logger.debug (rae.getMessage(), rae);
rasNotConfigured = true;
try {
rasCache = rasf.newResourceAssignmentService();
} catch (de.danet.an.workflow.spis.ras.FactoryConfigurationError
rae) {
logger.error ("Problem creating resource assignment service: "
+ rae.getMessage(), rae);
rasNotConfigured = true;