if (actions.indexOf("robots",0) >= 0) {
try {
final DigestURI theURL = new DigestURI(url);
// determine if crawling of the current URL is allowed
RobotsTxtEntry robotsEntry;
try {
robotsEntry = sb.robots.getEntry(theURL, sb.peers.myBotIDs());
} catch (final IOException e) {
robotsEntry = null;
prop.put("robots-allowed", robotsEntry == null ? 1 : robotsEntry.isDisallowed(theURL) ? 0 : 1);
prop.putHTML("robotsInfo", robotsEntry.getInfo());
// get the sitemap URL of the domain
final MultiProtocolURI sitemapURL = robotsEntry == null ? null : robotsEntry.getSitemap();
prop.putXML("sitemap", sitemapURL == null ? "" : sitemapURL.toString());
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {