error("Expected dropdown " + this + " to have selected options " + Strings.instance_from(options).toString() +", did not find these selected " + selected_options_not_found);
public void should_not_have_these_options_selected(String... options) {
Strings selected_options = get_selected_options();
Strings selected_options_found = Strings.new_instance();
for(String option: options) {
if(selected_options.has(option)) {
if(selected_options_found.is_empty()) {
action("Verified that the selected options in " + this + " are NOT " + Strings.instance_from(options).toString());
} else {
error("Expected dropdown " + this + " to NOT have selected options " + Strings.instance_from(options).toString() +", found these selected " + selected_options_found);