* @attribute feedbackMean NUMERIC
* @attribute feedbackStdDev NUMERIC
//TODO do checks to make sure feedbackMean and feedbackStdDev are in [0,1].
Strategy s = new Strategy(strategyInstance[0].intValue(),
strategyInstance[1].intValue(), strategyInstance[2], strategyInstance[3]);
//parse and create groups
source = new DataSource(grpFileName);
instances = source.getDataSet();
enu = instances.enumerateInstances();
Instance temp = (Instance)enu.nextElement();
logger.info("Parsing " + temp);
if(temp.numValues()!=2) throw new Exception("Group line does not have 2 elements. This is illegal.");
Double[] groupInstance = new Double[2];
for(int i=0;i<temp.numValues();i++)
//number of values == 2
groupInstance[i] = temp.value(i);
if(groupInstance[i]==null) throw new Exception("A parameter in group line is null.");
* @relation group
* @attribute groupdId NUMERIC
* @attribute numberAgents NUMERIC
Group g = new Group(groupInstance[0].intValue(), groupInstance[1].intValue());
//parse and create group-strategy assignments
source = new DataSource(strGrpFileName);
instances = source.getDataSet();
enu = instances.enumerateInstances();
Instance temp = (Instance)enu.nextElement();
logger.info("Parsing " + temp);
if(temp.numValues()!=3) throw new Exception("Group-Strategy assignment line does not have 3 elements. This is illegal.");
Double[] strGrpInstance = new Double[3];
for(int i=0;i<temp.numValues();i++)
//number of values == 3
strGrpInstance[i] = temp.value(i);
if(strGrpInstance[i]==null) throw new Exception("A parameter in group-strategy line is null.");
* @attribute groupId NUMERIC
* @attribute targetGroupId NUMERIC
* @attribute strategyId NUMERIC
System.out.println("g1: " + strGrpInstance[0].intValue());
System.out.println("g2: " + strGrpInstance[1].intValue());
Group g1 = getGroup(strGrpInstance[0].intValue(), groups);
if(g1==null) throw new Exception("Group not found in the parsed groups.");
Group g2 = getGroup(strGrpInstance[1].intValue(), groups);
if(g2==null) throw new Exception("Group not found in the parsed groups.");
Strategy s = getStrategy(strGrpInstance[2].intValue(), strategies);
if(s==null) throw new Exception("Strategy not found in the parsed strategies.");
g1.assignTargetGpStrategy(g2, s);
//we have all the groups and the strategies associated with them. Now generate the feedbacks