// changed to export the right object to prevent it from being garbage collected (i.e. don't export the stub)
registry.rebind("userbase", rmidus);
rmiuss = new RmiUserStatisticsServer(new LocalUserStatistics(new File(dataDirectory, "/logs/userstatistics")));
RmiUserStatistics statisticsStub = (RmiUserStatistics) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(rmiuss, Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty("statistics.port", "0")), csf, ssf);
//registry.rebind("statistics", statisticsStub);
// changed to export the right object to prevent it from being garbage collected (i.e. don't export the stub)
registry.rebind("statistics", rmiuss);
System.out.println("Remote userbase and statistics started " + getVersion()); // maybe this could be cleaner, but at least this way we don't have to instantiate the server class, but we can override it nicely in cubnc