do is not a root object [1] [rootXML] // when do is a root object where: [0] is the byte 0, serialized using writeByte(0). [1] is the byte 1, serialized using writeByte(1). [path] is an SDO path expression from the root DataObject to the serialized DataObject such that root.getDataObject(path) == do. Serialized using writeUTF(path). [root] is the root object serialized using writeObject(root). [rootXML] is the GZip of the XML serialization of the root DataObject. The XML serialization is the same as, "commonj.sdo", "dataObject", stream); where stream is a GZIPOutputStream, length is the number of bytes in the stream, and bytes are the contents of the stream. Serialized using writeInt(length), write(bytes).