* Optional parameter name of the type. If non-null,
* this is used to disambiguate common mistake
* like declaring LPWSTR as "ushort*", etc.
public static TypeBinding bind( Generator g, IType t, String nameHint ) throws BindingException {
IPrimitiveType pt = t.queryInterface(IPrimitiveType.class);
if(pt!=null) {
// primitive
TypeBinding r = primitiveTypeBindings.get(pt.getVarType());
if(r!=null) return r;
throw new BindingException(Messages.UNSUPPORTED_VARTYPE.format(pt.getVarType()));
IPtrType ptrt = t.queryInterface(IPtrType.class);
if(ptrt!=null) {
// pointer type
IType comp = ptrt.getPointedAtType();
IInterfaceDecl compDecl = comp.queryInterface(IInterfaceDecl.class);
if( compDecl!=null ) {
// t = T* where T is a declared interface
return new TypeBinding( g.getTypeName(compDecl), NativeType.ComObject, true );
IDispInterfaceDecl dispDecl = comp.queryInterface(IDispInterfaceDecl.class);
if( dispDecl!=null ) {
// t = T* where T is a declared interface
return new TypeBinding( g.getTypeName(dispDecl), NativeType.ComObject, true );
// t = coclass*
ICoClassDecl classdecl = comp.queryInterface(ICoClassDecl.class);
if(classdecl!=null) {
// bind to its default interface
ITypeDecl di = g.getDefaultInterface(classdecl);
// no primary interface known. treat it as IUnknown
return new TypeBinding(Com4jObject.class, NativeType.ComObject, true);
return new TypeBinding( g.getTypeName(di), NativeType.ComObject, true );
IPrimitiveType compPrim = comp.queryInterface(IPrimitiveType.class);
if( compPrim!=null ) {
if( compPrim.getVarType()== VarType.VT_VARIANT ) {
return new TypeBinding(Object.class, NativeType.VARIANT_ByRef, true);
if( compPrim.getVarType()==VarType.VT_VOID ) {
// T = void*
return new TypeBinding(Buffer.class, NativeType.PVOID, true );
if( compPrim.getVarType()==VarType.VT_UI2 ) {
// T = ushort*
if( isPsz(nameHint) )
// this is a common mistake
return new TypeBinding( String.class, NativeType.Unicode, false );
if( compPrim.getVarType()==VarType.VT_BOOL ) {
return new TypeBinding("Holder<Boolean>", NativeType.VariantBool_ByRef, true );
// a few other random checks
String name = getTypeString(ptrt);
if( name.equals("_RemotableHandle*") ) {
// marshal as the raw pointer value
return new TypeBinding( Integer.TYPE, NativeType.Int32, true );
if(name.equals("GUID*")) {
return new TypeBinding( "GUID", NativeType.GUID, true );
// otherwise use a holder
TypeBinding b = bind(g,comp,null);
if(b!=null && b.nativeType.byRef()!=null )
return b.createByRef();
ISafeArrayType at = t.queryInterface(ISafeArrayType.class);
if(at!=null) {
IType comp = at.getComponentType();
IPrimitiveType compPrim = comp.queryInterface(IPrimitiveType.class);
if( compPrim!=null ) {
TypeBinding r = primitiveTypeBindings.get(compPrim.getVarType());
if(r!=null) {
return new TypeBinding(r.javaType+"[]", NativeType.SafeArray, true );