// as paths originating at the root of the
// template directory rather than relative to the current template's path.
// In both of these cases, we ignore the path of the current template.
final Template template;
String search_filename;
if (PathUtil.isAbsolute(include_filename)) {
// TODO: "/html" is an exceptional case.
include_filename =
PathUtil.join("/", PathUtil.makeRelative("/html", include_filename));
template = context.getLoader().getTemplate(include_filename);
search_filename = include_filename;
} else {
// TODO: design-pattern-needed hack. Context should know how to get this
// template.
template = context.getLoader().getTemplate(include_filename,
if (context.getTemplateDirectory() != null) {
search_filename =
PathUtil.join(context.getTemplateDirectory(), include_filename);
} else {
search_filename =
PathUtil.join("", include_filename);
// Create an entry in the data dictionary for every template we've processed
// already. This allows us to detect infinite loops.
String warning_flag = "__already__included__" + search_filename;
if (dict.contains(warning_flag)) {
throw new CyclicIncludeException(
"Cyclic include loop detected: " + search_filename
+ " has been included multiple times.");
} else {
dict.put(warning_flag, "");
template.render(dict, collector);