// create the purchase link
String purchaseURL = null;
HTTPURL link = null;
URLParameters linkParms = null;
try {
purchaseURL = Select.getPurchaseURL();
link = new HTTPURL(purchaseURL);
linkParms = link.getParameters();
} catch (SelectException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Problems creating the purchase url", module);
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>Problem creating link to WorldPay, please contact customer service.");
return "error";
} catch (ArgumentException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Problems creating HTTPURL link", module);
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>Problem creating link to WorldPay, please contact customer service.");
return "error";
// create the currency amount
double orderTotal = orderHeader.getDouble("grandTotal").doubleValue();
CurrencyAmount currencyAmount = null;
try {
Currency currency = SelectCurrency.getInstanceByISOCode(defCur);
currencyAmount = new CurrencyAmount(orderTotal, currency);
} catch (ArgumentException ae) {
Debug.logError(ae, "Problems building CurrencyAmount", module);
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>Merchant Configuration Error, please contact customer service.");
return "error";
// create a purchase token
PurchaseToken token = null;
try {
token = new PurchaseToken(instIdInt, currencyAmount, orderId);
} catch (SelectException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Cannot create purchase token", module);
} catch (ArgumentException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Cannot create purchase token", module);
if (token == null) {
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>Problems creating a purchase token, please contact customer service.");
return "error";
// set the auth/test modes
try {
} catch (SelectException e) {
Debug.logWarning(e, "Problems setting the authorization mode", module);
// set the token to the purchase link
try {
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_purchase, token.produce());
} catch (SelectException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Problems producing token", module);
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>Problems producing purchase token, please contact customer service.");
return "error";
// set the customer data in the link
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_desc, description);
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_name, name != null ? name : "");
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_address, address != null ? address.toString() : "");
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_postcode, contactAddress != null ? contactAddress.getString("postalCode") : "");
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_country, countryGeo.getString("geoCode"));
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_tel, phoneNumber != null ? phoneNumber : "");
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_email, emailAddress != null ? emailAddress : "");
// set some optional data
if (fixContact != null && fixContact.toUpperCase().startsWith("Y")) {
linkParms.setValue(SelectDefs.SEL_fixContact, "Y");
if (hideContact != null && hideContact.toUpperCase().startsWith("Y")) {
linkParms.setValue("hideContact", "Y"); // why is this not in SelectDefs??
// now set some send-back parameters
linkParms.setValue("M_controlPath", (String)request.getAttribute("_CONTROL_PATH_"));
linkParms.setValue("M_userLoginId", userLogin.getString("userLoginId"));
linkParms.setValue("M_dispatchName", dispatcher.getName());
linkParms.setValue("M_delegatorName", delegator.getDelegatorName());
linkParms.setValue("M_webSiteId", webSiteId);
linkParms.setValue("M_localLocale", UtilHttp.getLocale(request).toString());
linkParms.setValue("M_confirmTemplate", confirmTemplate != null ? confirmTemplate : "");
// redirect to worldpay
try {
} catch (IOException e) {