return "response: \n" + message.toString().trim();
} else if (result.returnValue() instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) { // probably a fault
return "response: \n" + result.returnValue().toString() + " | " + ((EOEnterpriseObject)result.returnValue()).snapshot();
} else if (result.returnValue() instanceof _EONotificationCarrier) { // most often this is the EOObjectsChangedInObjectStoreNotification, which contains updated values for changed records
_EONotificationCarrier notificationCarrier = (_EONotificationCarrier) result.returnValue();
NSArray notifications = notificationCarrier.notifications();
if (!notifications.isEmpty() && notificationCarrier.propertySnapshots() != null) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
for (Object gid : notificationCarrier.propertySnapshots().keySet()) {
NSArray snapshot = (NSArray) notificationCarrier.propertySnapshots().get(gid);
message.append(gid.toString()).append(" = ").append(snapshot).append('\n');
message.append("This also contains GIDs for all the toMany relationship related to the objects.");
return "response: " + result.returnValue().toString().replace("\n", "") + "\n" + message.toString().trim();
} else {