// Get the current state, create an element specific wrapper and push
// it as the new state. The newly created state inherits the current
// selidname from the containing state.
XMLPipelineContext pipelineContext = getPipelineContext();
State containingState = peekState();
State state = diSelectElement.createState(containingState, attributes);
int index;
// The attributes used on output if they have changed. This is created
// only when it is needed.
AttributesImpl output = null;
// Check to see whether the current state knows whether or not to
// process the body of the element. This supports the
// select / when / otherwise elements.
if (!state.canProcessBody()) {
// The current state indicates that the element and its body should
// not be processed so ignore this element and all its children.
// Remember that the body was not processed.
// Don't forward the event on.
// Determine whether this event can be forwarded to the next process,
// this is element specific.
boolean forwardEvent = diSelectElement.getForwardEvent();
// Check to see whether the element supports an expr attribute and if
// so whether it is an element specific attribute, of the global
// diselect one.
String exprAttributeURI = diSelectElement.getExprAttributeURI();
if (exprAttributeURI != null) {
// Check to see whether there is an expr attribute, use the index
// as we may need to remove the attribute.
index = attributes.getIndex(exprAttributeURI, "expr");
if (index != -1) {
String value = attributes.getValue(index);
try {
Expression expression = parser.parse(value);
// obtain the ExpressionContext from the PipelineContext
// the ExpressionContext is needed in order to evaluate the
// expression parsed
ExpressionContext expressionContext =
// Evaluate the expression and cast to a boolean.
boolean result = PipelineExpressionHelper.fnBoolean(
if (!result) {
// The expression evaluated to false so ignore this
// element and all its children.
// Remember that the body was not processed.
// Don't forward the event on.
// Only update the attributes if the event is being
// forwarded, otherwise it is a waste of time.
if (forwardEvent) {
// The element is included but we need to remove the
// sel:expr attribute.
if (output == null) {
output = new AttributesImpl(attributes);
// Use the output attributes as the input to ensure
// that indeces match.
attributes = output;
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
// something went wrong when evaluating the xpath.
// Send an error down the pipeline
Locator locator = pipelineContext.getCurrentLocator();
XMLPipelineException se = new XMLPipelineException(
"Could not evaluate the expression " +
// Remember that the body of the element is to be processed, this will
// ensure that the matching end element event is forwarded if
// necessary, and if relevant ensure that the select / when / otherwise
// combination works correctly.
// Get the current name of the attribute that will be used to replace
// the diselect:selid attribute.
ExpandedName selidName = state.getSelidName();
// Check to see whether the element supports a selidname attribute and
// if so whether it is an element specific attribute, of the global
// diselect one.
String selidNameAttributeURI =
if (selidNameAttributeURI != null) {
// Check to see whether there is a selidname attribute, use the
// index as we may need to remove the attribute.
index = attributes.getIndex(selidNameAttributeURI, "selidname");
if (index != -1) {
String value = attributes.getValue(index);
// Only update the attributes if the event is being
// forwarded, otherwise it is a waste of time.
if (forwardEvent) {
// Remove the attribute.
if (output == null) {
output = new AttributesImpl(attributes);
// Use the output attributes as the input to ensure that
// indeces match.
attributes = output;
// Resolve the value to an ExpandedName, update the value for
// the current element and store it away just in case it is
// needed for descendant elements.
QName qname = new ImmutableQName(value);
selidName = pipelineContext.getNamespacePrefixTracker()
.resolveQName(qname, null);
// Only elements outside the diselect namespace support the
// diselect:selid attribute.
if (diSelectElement.canHaveSelidAttribute()) {
// Now check for sel:selid attribute.
index = attributes.getIndex(Constants.DISELECT_NAMESPACE, "selid");
if (index != -1) {
String idURI = selidName.getNamespaceURI();
String idLocalName = selidName.getLocalName();
String idQName;
// Construct the selid attribute's qname, this is dependent on
// the namespace of the selidName and the namespace prefix
// mappings in scope.
if (idURI.equals("")) {
// The attribute has no namespace so the qname is the same
// as the local name.
idQName = idLocalName;
} else {
String prefix = null;
// Find the first non empty prefix associated with the specified
// array. A non-empty prefix is required
String[] prefixes =
for (String p : prefixes) {
if (!p.equals("")) {
prefix = p;