out(" signature2Identifier.putAll(SIGNATURE_2_IDENTIFIER);\n");
out(" }\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getNormalMethods().iterator();
i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
if (method.getDeclareIdentifier()) {
out(" /**\n");
out(" * An identifier for the {@link #").out(method.getBindSignature()).out(" method.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public static final com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier ").out(method.getUniqueIdentifier()).out("\n");
String identifierReference = method.getIdentifierReference();
if (identifierReference != null) {
out(" = ").out(identifierReference).out(";\n");
} else {
out(" = com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier.getMethodIdentifier(\n");
out(" ").out(mockClassName).out(".class,\n");
out(" ").out(fullyQualifiedName).out(".class,\n");
out(" \"").out(method.getName()).out("\",\n");
out(" new java.lang.Class[] {\n");
List parameters = method.getParameters();
if (parameters != null) {
for (Iterator j = parameters.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
MockableParameter parameter = (MockableParameter) j.next();
out(" ").out(parameter.getType()).out(".class,\n");
out(" },\n");
if (parameters != null) {
out(" new java.lang.String[] {\n");
for (Iterator j = parameters.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
MockableParameter parameter = (MockableParameter) j.next();
out(" \"").out(parameter.getName()).out("\",\n");
out(" });\n");
} else {
out(" null);\n");
} else {
out(" public static com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier _getMethodIdentifier(java.lang.String signature) {\n");
out(" return com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.MockObjectBase._getMethodIdentifier(signature);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" public static void _addMethodIdentifiers(java.util.Map signature2Identifier) {\n");
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.MockObjectBase._addMethodIdentifiers(signature2Identifier);\n");
out(" }\n");
if (!mockableClass.isInterface()) {
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The container that holds the expectations for this object.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" protected final com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer _container;\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The public object used to enable various optional behaviour of this\n");
out(" * object.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public final com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.MockObjectConfiguration configuration;\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The class that is being mocked.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" protected final java.lang.Class _mockedClass;\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The identifier of this mock.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" protected final java.lang.String _identifier;\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The object used to add expectations to this object.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public final Expects expects;\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * The object used to add fuzzy expectations to this object.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public final Fuzzy fuzzy;\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getConstructors().iterator();
i.hasNext();) {
MockableConstructor constructor = (MockableConstructor) i.next();
out(" /**\n");
out(" * Initialise.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * @param _container The container to which this object adds its\n");
out(" * expectations.\n");
out(" */\n");
String parametersDeclaration = declareParameters(constructor, ",");
String throwsClause = throwsClause(constructor);
out(" public ").out(mockClassName).out("(com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer _container").out(
parametersDeclaration).out(") ").out(throwsClause).out(" {\n");
out(" this(").out(fullyQualifiedName).out(".class, null, _container").out(passParameters(constructor, " ", ",")).out(");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * Initialise.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * @param _identifier The identifier of the mock object.\n");
out(" * @param _container The container to which this object adds its\n");
out(" * expectations.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public ").out(mockClassName).out("(\n");
out(" java.lang.String _identifier, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer _container").out(
parametersDeclaration).out(") ").out(throwsClause).out(" {\n");
out(" this(").out(fullyQualifiedName).out(".class, _identifier, _container").out(passParameters(constructor, " ", ",")).out(");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * Initialise.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * <p>Objects initialised with this cannot have any expectations. Any\n");
out(" * attempts to add expectations will fail, as will any calls to the\n");
out(" * mocked up methods.</p>\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public ").out(mockClassName).out("(java.lang.String _identifier").out(
parametersDeclaration).out(") ").out(throwsClause).out(" {\n");
out(" this(").out(fullyQualifiedName).out(".class, _identifier, null").out(passParameters(constructor, " ", ",")).out(");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" /**\n");
out(" * Initialise.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * <p>Provided to allow other mock objects to extend.</p>\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" protected ").out(mockClassName).out("(\n");
out(" java.lang.Class _mockedClass, java.lang.String _identifier, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer _container").out(
parametersDeclaration).out(") ").out(throwsClause).out(" {\n");
if (mockableClass.isInterface()) {
out(" super(_mockedClass, _identifier, _container\n");
out(" ").out(passParameters(constructor, " ", ",")).out(");\n");
} else {
out(" super(").out(passParameters(constructor, " ", "")).out(");\n");
out(" if (_mockedClass == null) {\n");
out(" throw new IllegalArgumentException(\n");
out(" \"_mockedClass must not be null\");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" this._mockedClass = _mockedClass;\n");
out(" if (_identifier == null) {\n");
out(" this._identifier = _mockedClass.getName() + \"#\"\n");
out(" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));\n");
out(" } else {\n");
out(" this._identifier = \"{\" + _identifier + \"}\";\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" if (_container == null) {\n");
out(" this._container = _mockFactory.createNoExpectations();\n");
out(" } else {\n");
out(" this._container = _container;\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" this.configuration = _mockFactory.createConfiguration();\n");
out(" this.expects = (Expects) _createExpects(this, this._container);\n");
out(" this.fuzzy = (Fuzzy) _createFuzzy(this, this._container);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" protected java.lang.Object _createExpects(java.lang.Object mock, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer container) {\n");
out(" return new ExpectsImpl(mock, container);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" protected java.lang.Object _createFuzzy(java.lang.Object mock, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer container) {\n");
out(" return new FuzzyImpl(mock, container);\n");
out(" }\n");
if (!mockableClass.isInterface()) {
out(" // Javadoc inherited.\n");
out(" public java.lang.String _getIdentifier() {\n");
out(" return _identifier;\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" // Javadoc inherited.\n");
out(" public com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer _getExpectationContainer() {\n");
out(" return _container;\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" protected java.lang.Object _doMethodCall(com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodCall call)\n");
out(" throws Throwable {\n");
out(" if (_container == null) {\n");
out(" return com.volantis.testtools.mock.test.MockTestHelper.getGlobalExpectationContainer()\n");
out(" .doMethodCall(call);\n");
out(" } else {\n");
out(" return _container.doMethodCall(call);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" }\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getNormalMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
Type returnType = method.getReturnType();
final String returnTypeStr =
out(" public ").out(returnTypeStr).out(" ").out(method.getName()).out("(").out(declareParameters(method, "")).out(") ").out(throwsClause(method)).out("{\n");
String bindSignature = method.getBindSignature();
List parameters = method.getParameters();
if (bindSignature.equals("equals(java.lang.Object)")) {
out(" return com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.GeneratedHelper.equalsMock(this, configuration, ").out(((MockableParameter) parameters.get(0)).getName()).out(");\n");
} else if (bindSignature.equals("hashCode()")) {
out(" return com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.GeneratedHelper.hashCodeMock(this, configuration);\n");
} else if (bindSignature.equals("toString()")) {
out(" return com.volantis.testtools.mock.generated.GeneratedHelper.toStringMock(this, configuration);\n");
} else {
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodCall _call = _mockFactory.createMethodCall(\n");
out(" this, ").out(method.getUniqueIdentifier()).out(",\n");
if (parameters != null) {
out(" new java.lang.Object[]{\n");
for (Iterator j = parameters.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
MockableParameter parameter = (MockableParameter) j.next();
out(" ").out(parameter.box()).out(",\n");
out(" });\n");
} else {
out(" null);\n");
out(" try {\n");
if (returnType.toString().equals("void")) {
out(" _doMethodCall(_call);\n");
} else {
out(" java.lang.Object _result = _doMethodCall(_call);\n");
out(" return ").out(method.unbox(returnType, "_result")).out(";\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" catch(Throwable _throwable) {\n");
out(" // If result is a subclass of Error, RuntimeException then rethrow\n");
out(" // it, if it is one of the exceptions that this method declares\n");
out(" // then cast and rethrow it, otherwise rethrow it as an undeclared\n");
out(" // throwable exception.\n");
out(" if (_throwable instanceof RuntimeException) {\n");
out(" throw (RuntimeException) _throwable;\n");
out(" } else if (_throwable instanceof Error) {\n");
out(" throw (Error) _throwable;\n");
out(" }\n");
Set throwables = method.getThrowables();
if (throwables != null) {
for (Iterator j = throwables.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
JavaClass throwable = (JavaClass) j.next();
out(" else if (_throwable instanceof ").out(throwable.getFullyQualifiedName()).out(") {\n");
out(" throw (").out(throwable.getFullyQualifiedName()).out(") _throwable;\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" else {\n");
out(" throw new java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException(_throwable);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" }\n");
if (!mockableClass.isInterface()) {
out(" /**\n");
out(" * Generic method for expecting a call.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * @param methodIdentifier The identifier of the method that is expected to\n");
out(" * be called.\n");
out(" *\n");
out(" * @param arguments The arguments to the method, null if it has no\n");
out(" * arguments.\n");
out(" */\n");
out(" public com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.CallUpdaterReturnsAny expects(com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier methodIdentifier,\n");
out(" java.lang.Object[] arguments) {\n");
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.ExpectedCall _call =\n");
out(" _mockFactory.createExpectedCall(\n");
out(" this, methodIdentifier, arguments, 1);\n");
out(" _container.add(_call);\n");
out(" return _mockFactory.createReturnsAny(_call);\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" public static interface Expects\n");
String expectsPrefix = " extends ";
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getBaseMocks().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String baseMock = (String) i.next();
expectsPrefix = ",\n ";
out(" {\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getNormalMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
if (method.getAddExpectsFuzzy()) {
out(" ").out(method.getCallUpdaterQualifiedName()).out(" ").out(method.getName()).out("(").out(declareParameters(method, "")).out(");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" public static class ExpectsImpl\n");
out(" extends ").out(mockableClass.getBaseMockClass()).out(".ExpectsImpl\n");
out(" implements Expects {\n");
out(" \n");
out(" public ExpectsImpl(java.lang.Object mock, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer container) {\n");
out(" super(mock, container);\n");
out(" }\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getNormalMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
if (method.getAddExpectsFuzzy()) {
out(" public ").out(method.getCallUpdaterQualifiedName()).out(" ").out(method.getName()).out("(").out(declareParameters(method, "")).out(") {\n");
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.ExpectedCall _call = _mockFactory.createExpectedCall(\n");
out(" mock, ").out(method.getUniqueIdentifier()).out(",\n");
List parameters = method.getParameters();
if (parameters != null) {
out(" new java.lang.Object[]{\n");
for (Iterator j = parameters.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
MockableParameter parameter = (MockableParameter) j.next();
out(" ").out(parameter.box()).out(",\n");
out(" }, 1);\n");
} else {
out(" null, 1);\n");
out(" _add(_call);\n");
out(" return ").out(method.getCallUpdaterCreationCode()).out(";\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" public static interface Fuzzy\n");
String fuzzyPrefix = " extends ";
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getBaseMocks().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String baseMock = (String) i.next();
fuzzyPrefix = ",\n ";
out(" {\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getFuzzyMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
if (method.getAddExpectsFuzzy()) {
String identifier;
String prefix;
if (method.isUnique()) {
identifier = "";
prefix = "";
} else {
identifier = "com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier _methodIdentifier";
prefix = ",";
// The method may be unique in this class but it is possible that a derived
// class may add another method that has the same name and number of parameters
// but with different types and a different return type that would clash with
// the fuzzy method. Therefore, make sure that all fuzzy methods can support
// any return type.
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.CallUpdaterReturnsAny ").out(method.getName()).out("(").out(identifier).out(fuzzyParameters(method, prefix)).out(");\n");
out(" }\n");
out(" public static class FuzzyImpl\n");
out(" extends ").out(mockableClass.getBaseMockClass()).out(".FuzzyImpl\n");
out(" implements Fuzzy\n");
out(" {\n");
out(" public FuzzyImpl(java.lang.Object mock, com.volantis.testtools.mock.ExpectationContainer container) {\n");
out(" super(mock, container);\n");
out(" }\n");
for (Iterator i = mockableClass.getFuzzyMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MockableMethod method = (MockableMethod) i.next();
if (method.getAddExpectsFuzzy()) {
String identifier;
String prefix;
if (method.isUnique()) {
identifier = "";
prefix = "";
} else {
identifier = "com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.MethodIdentifier _methodIdentifier";
prefix = ",";
out(" public com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.CallUpdaterReturnsAny ").out(method.getName()).out("(").out(identifier).out(fuzzyParameters(method, prefix)).out(") {\n");
out(" com.volantis.testtools.mock.method.ExpectedCall _call = _mockFactory.createFuzzyCall(\n");
out(" mock, ").out((method.isUnique() ? method.getUniqueIdentifier() : "_methodIdentifier")).out(",\n");
List parameters = method.getParameters();
if (parameters != null) {
out(" new java.lang.Object[]{\n");
for (Iterator j = parameters.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
MockableParameter parameter = (MockableParameter) j.next();
out(" ").out(parameter.getName()).out(",\n");